Tuesday, November 20, 2012

the before-and-after after.

So yesterday I showed you the zero dollar ceiling fan makeover that I did with a sticky lampshade, box-cutter, a shopping bag, electrical tape and some contact paper (these are just a few of Martha Stewart's favorite high-end crafting materials).

After getting my DIY shade up onto the fan and screwing it in place, I realized the bottom of the shade needed a little something. Perhaps some electrical tape to add trim? But of course. So now you can see the after-after at the bottom of this post, in case you are the type of person who enjoys spotting tiny, unnoticeable differences on someone's bootleg ceiling fan. I'm actually pretty pleased with how it looks, given the alternative.
DIY ceiling fan redo using a cut down drum lamp shade

DIY ceiling fan makeover with drum shade, diffuser, and black trim