Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pineapple - Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Pineapple

1 ) Anti Cancer : The enzyme Bromelain in pineapple has Anti - Cancer properties. By building the İmmune System , bromelain increases the body's ability to naturally kill tumours.  Bromelain has Anti- Metastatic properties which  prevents or slows down tumours growth.  Especially Colon Cancer because pineapple contains so much fiber.

2 ) Anti - Oxidants : Pineapple is a very good source of Vitamin C.  Pineapple offers your body an excellent protection against free-radicals, substances that attack healthy cells.  İt is  a Cold & Flu fighter.  Pineapple prevents , Catarrh, Gout, Arthritis and İnfections of throat and other parts of the body.  Helps reduce Cough and Mucus . The enzyme bromelain, extracted from the juice and stem of the pineapple plant appears to reduce inflammation associated with Asthma.

 3 ) Digestive : Pineapple helps Healthy Digestion.  Pineapple is used for heartburn , treats nausea , bloating and constipation

4 ) Goiter : İt is helpful in cases of goiter.

 5 ) Energy & Bone Health : Pineapple is an excellent source of  Manganese and Vitamin A , They help Bone and Skin Health . Thiamine and Vitamin B1 is also found in pineapple and also important for Energy Production

You're So Not Almost Ready for a Baby, Even If You Think You Are

Snooze has decided to make a mockery of his name and is also quite confused about which month it is, as apparently he has decided to give up sleep for Lent. 

I am reminded of an article a friend sent me last week and this seemed a very appropriate time to share it. I was doubled over laughing as I read my way through it. The full article is here, but here is a paraphrased version below... 

Look, you're not ready to have a baby. 

You're probably in your late twenties or early thirties, and you've gotten some stuff figured out, and now you're pretty sure you're "almost ready" to have a baby. But a baby is the ultimate, cosmic limit-tester of all ultimate cosmic limits, and no matter what you do to prepare, you will still find yourself thrown for a loop. 

You think you're ready because you have a dog? Ugh, sorry, but no. If you want your dog to help you prepare you for an actual human baby, it only works if you have the worst dog in the universe. It has to be, like, only trainable on Thursdays and it must never eat the first three types of food you offer it. Doesn't sound like any dogs I know! 

If you want to get ready for a baby, take my advice, and do the opposite of fun stuff. I'm not saying babies aren't fun, but it's not the kind of fun for which you need any practice. In fact, if I were selling my own Baby Squad Fitness Program for Actual Baby Readiness, it would come with the following drills/regimen for the entire year prior to conception. (Yes, conception! Yes, a year! Not doing anything fun while already pregnant is not actually all that hard and therefore not true readiness training).

  • Practice wrestling a large, slippery fish three times a week.
  • Wake up every two hours at night, punch yourself in the face, walk around for 28 minutes pleading in gibberish. Go back to "sleep." Repeat.
  • Socialize with friends in 18-second increments.
  • Practice asking for the check, boxing up your food and exiting a restaurant in under sixty seconds - two bites into the meal.
  • Watch 38% of any film or television show. Never see the ending or resolution.
  • Read the same three paragraphs of a novel once every two weeks; fall asleep.
  • Shower every three to five days, but only for two minutes.
  • Hire a makeup artist to make you look up to 10 years older. Look at yourself in the mirror, then laugh, cry, laugh, cry, laugh, cry. Do not go get a drink
  • Pack two additional bags of random stuff to carry with you every time you leave the house.
  • Stand around a tennis court and catch fly balls with one hand for two hours a day while also preparing a peanut butter sandwich.
  • Practice wrestling aforementioned large, slippery fish, then dress it in seasonally appropriate outfit, including hat and/or jacket. Then go back, remove all clothing, and apply sunscreen. Re-dress fish. 
  • Make 24 hours of baby-crying audio. Hit play the moment you take a phone call, fire up your computer, or begin speaking any sentences to another human that contain important or useful information.

I can speak from first-hand experience, all the above only scratches the surface.

But then you realize you have a BABY...and you are a mother...and who cares if you're not ready? It's all worth it.

B17, Laetrile, Apricot Pits

 Are apricot seeds a source for a natural substance that kills cancer cells without destroying the cancer victim's health and wealth? The essential ingredient has been called laetrile or vitamin B 17. If there is any merit to it, why is this information being suppressed? Why are people who have been cured or have cured others being censured and imprisoned? 

Could be there is something to the claims.

Keep in mind that the cancer industry world wide is estimated at a 200 billion dollar a year industry. There are many in various associated positions within that industry who would be without a job if that cash flow dried up suddenly with the news that there are cheaper, less harmful, and more efficacious remedies available. Big Pharmacy would virtually vanish.

What is B17, or Laetrile Anyway?

In 1952, a biochemist named Dr. Ernst Krebb, Jr. in San Francisco decided that cancer was a metabolic reaction to a poor diet, and a missing nutrient from modern man's diet could be the key to overcoming cancer. His research led to a compound found in over 1200 edible plants throughout nature. That compound is amagdylin,

Amagdylin is found with the highest concentration and necessary enzymes in apricot seed kernels. A primitive tribe, the Hunzas, were known to consume large amounts of apricot seed kernels. The hard pit had to be broken to get into the soft kernels. There was no incidence of cancer with them at all, ever. And they had long, healthy life spans. Laetrile was created by simply extracting amagdylin from the soft apricot kernels, purifying it and putting it into a concentrated form.

Amagdylin is a nitrioloside. Nitriolisides are difficult to categorize since they are in foods but not foods themselves. As a nitrioloside, amagdylin resembled the B complex structures, so Dr. Krebb called it B17 since by that time 16 types of B vitamins had been isolated.

Dr. Krebb injected himself with laetrile to ensure there would be no toxic side effects. He conducted further lab animal and culture experiments to conclude that laetrile would be effective in the treatment of cancer. By the way, the FDA standard for drug safety is known as LD 50, LD stands for lethal dose, and the 50 is the percentage threshold of lab animals poisoned to death by the drug tested. As long as the percentage killed is under 50%, FDA will approve it!

Since laetrile is derived directly from a food substance in nature and not chemically developed in a laboratory, it is impossible to patent. And of course it's not toxic. In other words, just as with all natural healing substances, Big Pharma and the AMA can't make a fortune from the substance and from the remedies for the long term side effects. There have been several testimonies from cancer victims who cured themselves by chewing large quantities of the apricot seeds alone.

The seeds are more available to consumers now than laetrile because in 1971 the FDA banned laetrile. Laetrile is difficult, but not impossible, to purchase. The seeds are actually the soft almond shaped, bitter tasting kernels from inside the pits. A few users prefer extracting those soft kernels from the pits themselves. But the soft kernels are available and inexpensive.

So How Does It Work?

Amagdylin contains four substances. Two are glucose; one is benzaldyhide, and one is cyanide. Yes, cyanide and benzaldyhide are poisons if they are released or freed as pure molecules and not bound within other molecular formations. Many foods containing cyanide are safe because the cyanide remains bound and locked as part of another molecule and therefore cannot cause harm.

There is even an enzyme in normal cells to catch any free cyanide molecules and to render them harmless by combining them with sulfur. That enzyme is rhodanese, which catalyzes the reaction and binds any free cyanide to sulfur. By binding the cyanide to sulfur, it is converted to a cyanate which is a neutral substance. Then it is easily passed through the urine with no harm to the normal cells.

But cancer cells are not normal. They contain an enzyme that other cells do not share, beta-glucosidase. This enzyme, virtually exclusive to cancer cells, is considered the "unlocking enzyme" for amagdylin molecules. It releases both the benzaldyhide and the cyanide, creating a toxic synergy beyond their uncombined sum. This is what the cancer cell's beta-glucosidase enzyme does to self destruct cancer cells.

Amagdylin or laetrile in conjunction with the protective enzymes in healthy cells and the unlocking enzymes in cancer cells is thus able to destroy cancer cells without jeopardizing healthy cells. Chemotherapy, on the other hand, kills a lot of other cells and diminishes one's immune system while killing an undetermined amount of cancer cells.

Those cancer cells tend to return elsewhere because the patient's general health was reduced from the pervasive chemo toxins. The cancer industry has declared the bench mark for curing cancer as being cancer free for 5 years. It's estimated that of those who undergo the AMA big three for curing cancer, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, no more than 3% make the 5 year cancer free mark. Besides the treatments' debilitating effects, they are much more expensive!

But for someone with cancer, it takes a considerable amount of daily B17 consumption to enable the amagdylin to reach the cancer cells with beta-glucosidase. That's because some of the amagdylin molecules will be neutralized by the normal cells containing rhodanese.

Many practitioners who use laetrile have an 85% cure rate among cancer victims who did not undergo much of the standard cut, burn, and poison that is main-stream - while the cure rate for those who come to laetrile therapy as a last resort after all that conventional medicine could only have a 15% recovery rate. There is a clinic in Mexico that claims a 100 percent cure rate!

The Medical Mafia's Suppression

Since around 1920, practitioners of alternative cancer therapies and remedies and their messengers have been marginalized, harassed, imprisoned, and even killed. Federal agencies have been used to bring about bogus charges or IRS tax liens that are enforced by US Marshals the way Dr. Gary Glum was hassled for even writing books on Essiac Tea. See Natural News article "Essiac Tea: A Cancer Cure Big Pharma Doesn't Want You To Know About."LINK`http``text-decoration: none; color: rgb(51, 153, 153);`

A young Brooklyn man, Jason Vale, was imprisoned because he refused to stop telling others on TV and in lectures how he cured himself of cancer using those nasty apricot pit kernels! Jason is a more recent public example of the Medical Mafia's grip on the legal system regarding B17. Laetrile, which is non toxic, was banned by the FDA in 1971.

Shortly after the 1971 laetrile ban, a practicing physician in San Francisco, Dr. John Richardson, who had been using laetrile successfully on cancer patients, came to his friend G. Edward Griffin, a published investigative journalist, and asked Griffin if he could write up something to help him and others continue using laetrile on their cancer patients.

G. Edward Griffin's research evolved into his groundbreaking book, World Without Cancer. This book not only explained laetrile and chronicled several cancer cures, but Griffin's investigative nose led him down the rabbit hole and into the underbelly of the cancer industry's efforts at keeping alternative cancer cures from the light of day. That's how he discovered that the Sloane-Kettering Cancer Institute had buried documentation from scientists' research, which proved laetrile was "highly effective" at curing cancer.

Griffin received those documents himself from a Dr. Ralph Moss, who had been told to cover up that evidence and claim that laetrile was worthless. He refused and left his position as PR manager with Sloane-Kettering. Since that time in 1977, Dr. Ralph Moss has gone on to write or edit several books on cancer cure options. It's always encouraging to see an insider come out! Someone else filled Dr. Moss's vacant position and lied the lies about laetrile that filled the medical journals.

And what about those medical journals? Lately, the most prestigious New England Journal of Medicine dropped its standard of not allowing articles contributed to the journal from anyone who was receiving money from Big Pharma, as long as it's less than 10 grand annually. If they didn't drop that standard, there wouldn't be enough articles to fill the journal! Of course, most medical journals are glossy ad forums for Big Pharma anyway.

Both G. Edward Griffin withWorld Without Cancerand Phillip Day in his bookCancer: Why We're Still Dying to Know the Truth, make it very clear that the cancer industry does not really want a cure. Even non-profit organizations get millions in donations from the brainwashed, huddled masses along with funding for promoting Big Pharma. A non-profit organization can and will have key people working for 6 figure plus annual salaries, by the way.

Doctors mostly do as they are trained and told; medical journals contain false reports and lies. Cancer foundations have breast cancer months or whatever as PR to get people into the disease industry's money mill as early as possible, and at the top, there is Big Pharma. It's all about money and career. Not about public health and "The War on Cancer."

So far in mainstream medicine, it's been a losing battle with more getting cancer than ever. Around 1 out of 3 is destined to get cancer these days, and more are dying from cancer after conventional treatments. Talk about pandemics! All this with lots of cash going their way, enabling some to live a lush lifestyle and others hanging on to their comfy, secure jobs at the expense of our health.

Meanwhile, too many true humanitarian doctors and herbalists and writers concerned with the truth wind up being treated like criminals or nut cases, sometimes with their lives destroyed. That's tragic. And so is the fact that millions suffer and die while being conditioned against using effective and less painless procedures.

Laetrile Treatment

There are many success stories from people using just laetrile or apricot pit kernels. The usual recommendation for prevention is around 5 to 7 over the course of a day. For actual cancer cases use 2 to 3 times that. Some say one kernel for every 10 lbs of body weight. For maintenance after a cure, go back to 5 to 7 per day.

Some laetrile therapists have patients use vitamin B15 tablets and digestive enzymes such as papaya's papain and pineapple's bromalene. Too many apricot pit kernels can create nausea or dizziness. There are no recorded deaths or disabilities from the apricot seeds or laetrile, however. Although some success has been recorded with patients undergoing conventional therapy and using laetrile, it's not recommended. Eventually most of those who combine the two get off the chemo or die anyway.

There are many practitioners and writers who recommend you combine other alternative cancer therapies while taking laetrile or using the apricot pits - especially if you go for it alone at home. It should be obvious to Natural News readers that a foundation of healthy food and less stress is necessary. A fundamental lifestyle change has to be a part of any permanent cancer cure. In addition, a little eclectic mix and match with other alternative therapies seems like a good approach.

For example, Gerson's cancer cure therapy's juicing protocol with the right type of juicer and using coffee enemas to detox the liver could be added with laetrile use. It's hard to go wrong with that healthy combination. See Natural News article on the Gerson Therapy for more details here:

Do your own research by starting with the source links below this article. Those sources are for more than showing the author has done his homework. The author intends for you to use them as a springboard for your own research. Why waste your money and health on toxic remedies when so much is available as alternatives for far less money and negative side effects?


Excellent interview of G. Edward Griffin on laetrile and the cancer industry

An excellent overview of different cancer cure options

A vast, indexed and categorized free source of cancer cure options with details you can use - It's the free online bible of cancer cure options

Information on apricot seeds with more details

Vitamin B17 - contains information on supplements to include with B17 and a list of foods with B17, also a few caveats on using B17

Author Phillip Day's blog


About the author

Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at LINK:

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Sacred Knowledge of Vibration and the Power of Human Emotions

The Relationship Between Substance Abuse and Adolescence

By: Lee Phillips, LCSW, CSAC

Among the physical and mental health risks with today's adolescents are violence, bullying, poor nutrition, obesity, eating disorders, depression, suicide, and substance use. Adolescence is the primary risk period of initiating the use of other substances and research shows that experimental use of some licit and illicit substances maybe considered a normative behavior among U.S. teenagers. According to a study conducted by the National Center of Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University in 2011, substance use by teens is the most significant public health problem in the United States. 

In addition to the significant increase of risks for addiction, substance use during adolescence has numerous negative consequences which include:

  • Fatal and nonfatal injuries due to motor vehicle accidents
  • Unintended overdose
  • Sexually risky practices
  • Unwanted pregnancies
  • Increased risk for medical and mental illnesses  
Early identification and effective intervention for adolescents with substance use problems can prevent the disease's progression from abuse to addiction. For intervention to be effective, it is crucial for adolescents to distinguish between substance abuse and substance dependence. This distinction, along with positive youth development, education on the disease concept of addiction and the recovery process provides an opportunity for more individualized and effective treatment.

Prevention: The Five C's of Positive Youth Development

  • Competence- Perception that one has abilities and skills. Provide teens training practice in specific skills, either academic or hands-on.
  • Confidence- Internal sense of self efficacy and positive self-worth. Provide opportunities for young people to experience success when trying something new.
  • Character- A sense of right and wrong (morality), integrity, and respect for standards of corrective behavior. Provide opportunities to practice increasing self-control and development of spirituality.
  • Connection- Positive bonds with people and institutions. Build relationships between youth and peers, teachers and parents.
  • Caring- A sense of sympathy and empathy for others. Care for young people.
Chemically dependent adolescents have a tendency to relapse because of problems they experience at home, school, and with their friends. These problems activate urges and cravings to use alcohol and drugs. What is needed is brief, yet effective sequence of steps that adolescents can use to identify and manage those high-risk situations. While engaging in positive youth development, the adolescent learns to identify the irrational thoughts, unmanageable feelings, self-destructive urges, and self-defeating behavior that leads to alcohol and drug use.

Lee Phillips is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor in the state of Virginia. Lee is employed full -time as a Licensed Therapist with Child & Adolescent Services at Colonial Behavioral Health. Lee is employed part- time in private practice in Williamsburg, VA. Lee has over 7 years of experience in treating mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders using a strengths based and cognitive behavioral approach.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Naturally Flavored Water

An easy formula for making your own quick, healthy fruit and herb infused waters in endless varieties.

By Monica Matheny

Say goodbye to soda, juice, and bottled water with these refreshing, healthy flavors! I'm keeping 2-3 flavors of this "spa water" in my fridge now, so I have a variety to motivate me to drink more water.

I was a hardcore Dr. Pepper girl for years. Then I gave up regular soda because of the high sugar content and switched to diet soda. Next we were warned to avoid the chemicals in diet soda; and more recently studies have indicated that diet soda actually causes rather than prevents weight gain (source). Geez. Lots of us moved on to bottled water, but that has landfill and environmental consequences and can be less healthy than regular tap water (source). Juice has more nutrition than soda, but is comparable in sugar, carb, and calories content (source). Dang. It's hard to keep up.

Simply water 

At the end of the day, regular old tap water--or at least a filtered version of it--seems to be the way to go.  I'm fortunate that St. Louis is considered to have some of the best tasting tap water in the U.S. I still prefer the taste of it filtered through a Brita Water Filter Pitcher--we've been using one for years. But, I still don't drink enough water.

Aside from my morning coffee, I honestly forget to drink fluids throughout the day. I know that it's important for my health. I don't dislike water, but I do get kind of bored with it. That was the motivation for starting to make flavored waters.

Subtle flavor without sweetness

These aren't sweet waters, so they'll be disappointing if that's what you're expecting. This is water with subtle flavors infused into it. Water with a little something extra. A touch of flavor--not an explosion of flavor--with little or no sweetness. You've probably had pitchers of ice water with lemon served at restaurants. This is the same idea, but with more variety. Many spas serve fancy waters like these, and it turns out that they couldn't be simpler to make. And, they are oh-so-refreshing.

The KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) approach to Flavored Waters

My natural tendency is to go overboard and overcomplicate things, so I really have to fight that when I'm developing recipes. I read about and was tempted to try all kinds of methods for flavoring water that involve blenders, boiling, specialty infuser pitchers, and lots of different ingredients. But, I know myself. If I truly want to transition completely away from soda & juice and drink more water throughout the day, I have to make this simple so it can be an easy routine for me to maintain. When I read celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's quick and uncomplicated approach to making flavored waters, I was inspired to follow his lead and keep it simple. My easy formula for making KISS flavored waters is to use only fruit and herbs, water, ice, and a jar or pitcher. This is something I can make in a minute or two so I can always have flavored waters on hand in my fridge.

How to make
Naturally Flavored Water

Supplies Needed:
  • fruit -- whatever kind you like (except no bananas); make sure it's good and ripe for maximum sweetness and flavor.  I like to use all kinds of citrus and berries. I also found pineapple and watermelon to work well for flavoring water. If you don't want to buy whole ones, many grocery stores sell small containers of pre-cut fruit.
  • herbs -- these are optional, but many herbs are a surprising complement to fruit flavors; almost any herb will work depending on your personal preference
  • jars or pitchers -- I use 2 quart mason jars primarily, but any 2 quart pitcher will do.
        (click here to view 2 quart mason jars on Amazon)
  • muddler or wooden spoon for mashing fruit and herbs
        (click here to view muddler on Amazon)
  • ice
  • water -- I use filtered water, but regular tap water is fine if yours tastes good to you   
        (click here to view Brita Water Filter Pitcher on Amazon)
Fresh vs. frozen fruit.

When in season, I prefer to use fresh fruit. However, when fruit is out of season, the fresh version can be tart or flavorless. Because fruit that is to be frozen is picked at the peak of ripeness, it is often the better option for the best flavor, sweetness, and nutrients. I find this to especially to be the case with berries and peaches.

A variety of fresh herbs.

Use whatever herbs you like or happen to have on hand. I picked all of these from my herb garden and have tried them in flavored waters. It's surprising how well they blend with most fruit flavors, and they amp up the refreshing factor of the water. Mint is the most obvious herb choice. I also have tried basil, rosemary, sage, thyme, lavender, and tarragon. All good.


I'll share some of the fruit and herb combos that I've recently tried for flavoring water. But, honestly, you can combine most fruits and herbs according to your favorite flavors and what you have on hand in your fridge. I'll show you how to make 5 flavor combos. You can take it from there, creating endless flavor combos of your own.

Quantities: The quantities in my flavored water recipes are all for 2 quart jars or pitchers. However, I ran out of the 2 quart jars and used a few 1 quart jars, halving the recipe ingredients. So, don't be confused by the different jar sizes. It's easy to make a full or half batch depending on your jar or pitcher size.

The first 2 waters are
flavored with fruit only (no herbs)

WASH FRUIT THOROUGHLY! The citrus and berries need to be really, really clean to keep contaminants and bacteria out of your flavored water. I recommend organic fruit, if it isn't going to be peeled. 

1. All Citrus Flavored Water (adds refreshing tartness to water) -- slice 1 orange, 1 lime, 1 lemon into rounds, then cut the rounds in half. Add to jar, press and twist with a muddler or the handle of a wooden spoon. Press enough to release some of the juices, but don't pulverize the fruit into pieces. Fill the jar with ice. Pour in water to the top. Stir it with the handle of a wooden spoon or a chopstick. Put a lid on it, put it in the fridge, and chill.
  • click here to view plastic lids for mason jars on Amazon -- these are long-lasting and easier to screw on and off than the metal rings and lids that come with the jars; they fit all wide-mouth mason jars
You can drink it right away, but the flavor intensifies if it's made an hour or two ahead. It's even better the next day. 24 hours later straight from the fridge, the ice still hasn't melted completely in mine. The ice at the top serves as a sieve so that you can pour the flavored water without getting fruit bits in your glass.

2. Raspberry Lime Flavored Water (beautiful color and mildly tart) -- Quarter 2 limes; with your hands, squeeze the juice into the jar, then throw in the squeezed lime quarters. Add raspberries. Press and twist with a muddler to release some of the juices (don't pulverize the fruit). Fill the jar with ice, then add water to the top. Stir, cover, and refrigerate.

The next 3 waters are
flavored with fruit and herb combos

3. Pineapple Mint Flavored Water (a hint of minty sweetness). Add a sprig of mint to the jar--you can throw in the whole sprig; or, remove the leaves from the sprig, if you prefer to have the mint swimming around and distributing in the jar. Muddle the mint--the goal is to bruise the leaves and release their flavor--don't pulverize them into bits. Add pineapple pieces, press and twist with the muddler to release juices. Add ice to the top and then water. Stir, cover, and refrigerate.
4. Blackberry Sage Flavored Water (subtle, refreshing flavor). Add sage leaves to jar and bruise with a muddler. Add blackberries; press and twist with muddler to release their juices. Fill jar with ice cubes, add water to the top, stir, cover and refrigerate.
5. Watermelon Rosemary Flavored Water (lovely flavor combo). Add a sprig of rosemary to jar and muddle gently (rosemary releases a strong flavor without much muddling). Add watermelon cubes; twist and press gently to release juices. Fill jar with ice cubes, add water to the top, stir, cover and refrigerate.
Here's the whole gang. It's hard to pick a favorite, because they all have a different, distinctive flavor. The all citrus and raspberry lime are both quite tart (and refreshing!), the watermelon rosemary and pineapple mint are the sweetest, and the blackberry sage has the mildest flavor (that may be because my out-of-season blackberries weren't very flavorful). I enjoyed all of these and love having a variety in my fridge. You can get creative and use this same simple method for combining all kinds of fruits and herbs. Flavored_Water7_Copy.jpg
How long will they keep? Put a lid on them, put them in fridge, and they will keep for up to 3 days. It only takes a few minutes to make several varieties to keep on hand. No more boring water for me!
Pour a glass. When there's still ice left in the jar (my ice lasts up to 24 hours in the fridge), it will filter out the fruit/herb bits as you pour the water into a glass. After the ice melts, if you don't want to drink fruit bits along with the water, use a small wire strainer to remove them as you pour the water into your drinking glass.
Sweeten it up, if you must. If you have a sweet tooth and find these flavored waters undrinkable without some sweetener, go ahead and stir in some simple sugar syrup, honey, agave syrup, or whatever sweetener you prefer. 1 teaspoon of sugar only has 15 calories, so go ahead and add one to your glass. Given that a single can of soda or juice has the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar, you are still way better off drinking slightly sweetened water. If you are hooked on sweet tasting drinks and want to reduce or eliminate sugar or artificial sweeteners, you may need to wean yourself gradually. Unsweetened beverages are an acquired taste. I prefer them now, but it took me awhile to get there.

Great for entertaining! Flavored waters are very popular now, as more people are avoiding soda and juice. Make a variety of flavored waters to offer at your next party. Look how gorgeous they are! Refreshing, healthy, inexpensive, and beautiful. Plus you can make and refrigerate them well in advance of the party.

KISS Flavored Waters. My new beverage of choice. How about you?
Let me know if you have other flavored water combos to recommend.
Make it Yummy day!

(keep scrolling to get to the printable recipe for Flavored Water)

You might also enjoy my easy refrigerator iced teas:

If printing recipe, choose FULL PAGE option; recipe is too long to fit on a card.

Link directly to this recipe Print this recipe
Easy Fruit & Herb Flavored Water
By Monica              Servings: 6-8 servings
  • fruit -- 2 cups berries, citrus, melons, pineapple...most fruits will work (see recommended amounts in directions)
  • herbs -- a sprig of mint, basil, sage, rosemary, tarragon, thyme, or lavender
  • water (tap or filtered)
  • ice
Supplies needed: 2 quart pitcher or jar with lid; muddler or wooden spoon

General formula for whatever fruit/herb combo you desire.
1. If using herbs, add a sprig of fresh herbs to jar/pitcher; press and twist with muddler or handle of wooden spoon to bruise leaves and release flavor; don't pulverize the herbs into bits.
2. Add approx. 2 cups of fruit to jar/pitcher; press and twist with muddler or handle of wooden spoon, just enough to release some of the juices
3. Fill jar/pitcher with ice cubes.
4. Add water to top of jar/pitcher.
5. Cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days.

Suggested flavor combinations:
ALL CITRUS (no herbs) --  Slice 1 orange, 1 lime, 1 lemon into rounds, then cut the rounds in half. Add to jar and proceed with muddling, add ice & water.
RASPBERRY LIME (no herbs)  -- Quarter 2 limes; with your hands, squeeze the juice into the jar, then throw in the squeezed lime quarters. Add 2 cups raspberries. Muddle, add ice & water.
PINEAPPLE MINT -- Add a sprig of mint to the jar (you can throw in the whole sprig; or, remove the leaves from the sprig, if you prefer to have the mint swimming around and distributing in the jar). Muddle the mint. Add 2 cups pineapple pieces, muddle, add ice & water.
BLACKBERRY SAGE -- Add sage sprig to jar and muddle. Add 2 cups blackberries; muddle, add ice & water.
WATERMELON ROSEMARY --  Add rosemary sprig to jar & muddle. Add 2 cups watermelon cubes; muddle, add ice and water.

Source: The Yummy Life

Summer SALE! 20% off ANY order!!

Hello friends! 

After this weekend I am officially geared up for summer {we lived at the pool from Friday - Monday...and I drank far too many Arnold Palmer's...YUM} and decided a Summer SALE was in order for everyone!! I most likely won't do another sale until the fall {and only if I have any inventory left...we're already super low} so make sure to take advantage of this and get your hands on the goodies while you can! 

Happy shopping!

New report: What repeal of the Affordable Care Act would mean in WA

We've just posted a new report detailing the effects in Washington state of the federal health care reform law. Among them:

Numerous consumer protections built into the law have already taken effect. Among these: drug discounts for more than 1 million Washington seniors, tax breaks for small businesses, and parents can now keep their adult children on the parents' health policy until age 26.

We also estimate that more than 800,000 Washingtonians who today have no health coverage at all would qualify for free or subsidized coverage in 2014.

How to Treat Compassion Fatigue

Like the oxygen masks on an airplane,  you put your mask on first

 Bryan Mingle  /  Rise Health Contributing Blogger

One of my favorite modules in a year-long classroom certification program for Alcohol and Drug Counseling addressed "burnout." The instructor, who was at the top of her license in Orange County, Calif., treatment centers overseeing SAMHSA services, told the future counselors that it was the No. 1 enemy for the new and the experienced. 
 While many jobs and professions bring on burnout, health-care fields involving contact with patients carry the highest risks -- and the lowest tolerance. Can you imagine being a frightened patient in need of empathy and an even-keeled delivery and facing a doctor whose manner and energy said "shell-shot."
Luckily, burnout precautions and preventative plans often are provided for counselors, nurses, physicians and other providers in health-care settings. But not always.  
  I learned during  my first year as a chemical dependency counselor in a chaotic detox unit in Jacksonville, Fla.  that the greatest teacher is experience itself.  In other words, the old adage of no pain, no change, proved very true.
While self-care was reviewed during evaluations by my supervisors, practicing it when 12-hour days were piling up was a challenge and a reality that myself and  fellow social workers knew too well. I had one or two role models where I worked, but for the most part staffers around me were drowning in work and documentation of that work. At some point, the return on such workaholism showed up negatively. I'll never forget one evening, after several days in a row of  12-hour shifts, I was scouring the nurses station for a missing chart and one of my patients, watching and waiting in his nearby med line, shouted out: "Bryan, are you OK? You look like you really need a drink." Good insight.
Other therapists and I began to engage in "process sessions" on van rides to the parking lot before and after our shifts, or during gobble-down lunches on a picnic table roped off from the milieu. We vented about work. About patients. We basically had big complaint sessions, which, as it turns out, is one of the top tell-tale signs of  compassion fatigue and burnout.
Real patient-centered care mandates that the providers walk their talk and center some care around their own lives. I left the detox unit after a year and began working at Rise Health in a practice support center that was a virtual extension of primary care practices for a safety-net hospital in Boston.
Call volume was high from the start,  and many of the patients on the other end of the phone had a low tolerance for frustration and were demanding of their needs. What I learned as a counselor applied to all of our patients on the other end of the phone at Rise: Offer unconditional positive regard and genuine empathy; do no harm. Listen, reflect back and offer options/solutions.
To do that on a consistent basis requires the self-care that my instructor in California relentlessly taught about.
Today I came across a column and a web site that are echoes of my concerned teacher, who frequently told  us that she wanted each of us to be the counselor who would treat her daughter the same way we would our own family member. I am publishing it here to remind myself and others in the health-care field about a very basic component of any treatment plan: self-care. If you never leave the basics, you don't have to return to them.

Cynicism and sarcasm are among the first signs of burnout

Physician Burnout and Physician Stress – Find Solutions Now

The formidable title of "Doctor", by R. Mayuri Garikepati

Graduates throw their caps in the air as they are proclaimed "Doctor".

As we watched the fourth years take on the formidable title of “Doctor” I couldn’t help reminiscing about my own Physician’s Oath ceremony almost one year ago. Back in September the feeling of being in Hebrew-immersion summer camp had not yet worn off—but the Oath was recited and I replied “Amen” in acceptance. After the speeches there was a random—but beautiful—classical guitar performance and later at dinner, I recall people grumbling that the drinks had run out. For me, a mixture of solemnity as well as absurdity characterized the entire occasion…Aaaand back to the present.

Many of us have endured the academic ritual of donning gowns and caps, zoning out during inspirational speeches, then enthusiastically tossing our caps in the air. The dullness however, is punctuated by a few powerful moments. Something that deeply resonated with me that evening was a BGU tradition that allows physician parents to present the M.D. diploma to their graduating son or daughter. Two students and their families observed this custom and it served as a potent reminder that our achievements are in no small part due to the support of our families (whether or not they are doctors). Congratulations MSIH Class of 2012!  - R. Mayuri Garikepati

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Inspiration

Happy Memorial Day weekend! Hope you're taking some SF with you wherever you are going :))) 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

5 Ways to Farm

5 Ways to Farm Even If You're Not a Farmer

You can experience the farm life without actually living on a farm.


Few people live on farms anymore, but many people daydream about it. There's just something very gratifying about that type of hard work—and working with nature to create healthy, nourishing food. But the fact is, farm life isn't always how you may envision it, and chemical-based farming is robbing farmers of a decent living and making our country sick (especially the farmers). In her book Organic Manifesto, Rodale Inc. CEO Maria Rodale describes the trap many modern-day chemical farmers fall into, relying on expensive, genetically engineered seeds, chemical pesticides and fertilizers, financing expensive, gigantic farm equipment, and leasing more land than they can afford. "Being a farmer is hard these days. Commodity prices soar and fall along with the prices of gas and fertilizer and consumer confidence, and the ever-increasing amount of land needed to earn a living makes it hard to enjoy the job," she writes, adding, "It's always been hard to be a farmer. But a generation or two back, at least it was a family affair that brought with it a set of values and joys that made up for the long hours and backbreaking work."

The good news is, that sense of community and the importance of producing nourishing food seems to be returning, with the public's interest in sustainable organic farms back on the radar screen. There's been an explosion of interest in sustainable agriculture, and that's good news for families seeking healthy food, and for the farmers, too. A recent report from the United States Department of Agriculture found that organic farmers earn a better living than their chemical-oriented counterparts. Most likely because they don't buy into the chemical system that may seem to work at first, but winds up putting farmers in debt and puts them on a treadmill of needing more and more chemicals as their soil becomes less and less healthy.

If you want to experience the benefits of chemical-free farming yourself—besides buying and enjoying the food—there are several ways you can get a farm experience without quitting your day job or selling your house and heading to the countryside.

Don't own a farm? No problem. Here's how to farm without being a farmer:

# 1. Start or join a crop mob.In the last few years, the phenomenon of "crop mobs" has become more popular. During a crop mob, volunteers gather on a farm for a day to perform tasks that could take an individual farmer days or weeks to complete, such as erecting a hoophouse, mulching field beds, or painting a barn. Participants include other farmers as well as people who want to help out, meet local farmers, and get some exercise. To set up such a group in your area, query local, sustainable farmers in your county about projects they need help with (and when), ask how you can help, and then find like-minded helpers and schedule your own crop mob event. If you belong to a CSA (see below) or shop at a farmer's market, start the conversation with the farmers there.

# 2. Become a WWOOFer.The World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms program lists organic-farm host families from all over the world who allow people of all different backgrounds the opportunity to spend a week or even months on sustainable farms. Each host family lists the length of stay and expertise level required for volunteers, but many require a visit of just a week or two (perfect for a volunteer-vacation experience) and no immediate farming skills. The volunteers get room and board, and take home invaluable advice they can apply to their own garden—or who knows, maybe one day to a farm of their own. Experiences range from vegetable farms to organic dairy or shiitake-mushroom-growing operations.

# 3. Join a CSA. Community-supported agriculture involves buying a share of the season's harvest, and it's a great way to ensure a variety of healthy food during the growing season. Some CSA programs even offer meat, cheese, and eggs. But if you want a more hands-on experience, ask your CSA farmers if you can lend a hand. Some programs even let you pay a lower fee if you provide a weekend of volunteer time during the growing season, and some farmers may welcome your help on packing and distribution days. It's a great way to get your hands dirty and become friends with your local farmer. Find hundreds of CSA programs at

# 4. Grow a farm crop. Even if you only have a small patch of land, you can still grow a farm crop, and what could taste better than sweet corn grown in your own backyard? Contrary to what you're used to seeing on farms, you don't need to plant rows of the starchy vegetable. For growing sweet corn at home, opt for a square plot in lieu of rows, to maximize use of space. According to Organic Gardening magazine, you can use a Zuni Native American trick and plant the corn in hills in the square patch. For details on growing sweet corn, visit For other ideas, check out our story, Grow Your Own Farm on Less Than an Acre.

# 5. Invite chickens into your home. Chickens are easier to raise than you think. In fact, you can even make them part of the family and allow them to live indoors. (There are such things as chicken diapers.) For people with little yard space, Eglu chicken coops are popular choices, or, usually, you can hire a local sustainable farmer to build a coop that fits your needs. Once mature, chickens lay about an egg a day, so three chicks is usually a good number to provide a small family with fresh eggs (share extras with the neighbors). Just don't get a single hen—they get lonely! Read Raising Chickens: Do You Have What it Takes? for more info on raising chickens.

Source: Organic Farming

Friday, May 25, 2012

Patients Are Our Best Teachers

by | in Physician

There are some patients we doctors never forget. They linger in our memories for various reasons. Often, it is their serious or unusual medical condition that stays with us. On other occasions, it is a zany or unique personality that we recall, even years later. Rarely, when the doctor-patient relationship becomes injured, then the patient may become unforgettable.
I remember a particular patient from 20 years ago for a very different reason. I recall him clearly because he rejected my medical advice to him with aplomb. Although I haven’t seen him for two decades, I will never forget him. He taught me a lesson, which is not surprising since patients are our best teachers. There are no CME credits for these lessons, but I’ve learned more from them than I have at many medical conferences or from medical journals.
It was July 1991, a month after I completed my fellowship in gastroenterology. I had jointed a multispecialty group, and I was the only gastroenterologist in this particular site of the clinic. There was no senior gastroenterologist to supervise me. What a comfort it was during fellowship training to have seasoned clinicians nod affirmatively to my diagnostic plan, or point out what I overlooked. To this day, I wish I had one of these master clinicians sitting quietly in the back corner of my exam rooms to mentor me. In July 1991, I was now responsible for my own advice. Despite excellent training, I was anxious that it was my finger on the trigger.
I performed a screening colonoscopy on this man and discovered a large, flat lesion in the upper part of the large intestine. A biopsy indicated that this was a pre-cancerous polyp, although it was possible that there was cancer present that was not sampled by my biopsy instrument. (Biopsies only obtain tiny pieces of tissue, which may not be representative of the entire lesion. Physicians call this phenomenon sampling error.)
This concerning lesion could not be removed with the scope, so I recommended that he consult with a surgeon to discuss an operation. He listened and calmly declined my advice. More accurately, he offered a conditional decline. He stated that he would see the surgeon, but not until 4 months had passed. This was unexpected as most patients want their surgeries to occur yesterday. The patient made clear that there was no earthly force that would alter his decision. This mystery entered the theater of the absurd when I learned his reason for the delay. Here are some choices. Take your best guess.
  • He and his family were about to leave on a 4 month cruise.
  • November was his lucky month and he wanted surgery then.
  • It was golf season, which was sacred.
  • His medical insurance coverage would become active November 1st.
  • He intended to travel to Mexico for alternative medical care.
I surmise that most readers did not select the correct answer. This man was a golf fanatic, and even the possibility that he harbored a colon cancer, would not coax him off the fairways. Interesting priorities. We physicians need to remind ourselves that patients make the decisions, even though we often believe that we have the right answers.
The denouement? Months later, he underwent surgery and a large benign lesion was removed. I think I was more relieved than he was.
If this guy’s appendix or gallbladder were to go bad, I hope it happens during wintertime. Surgery can occur in any season. But, golf …
Michael Kirsch is a gastroenterologist who blogs at MD Whistleblower.

Testosterone supplements may help male weight loss

Quoted by BBC News: "Older obese men could shift excess weight by taking testosterone supplements, suggest findings announced at the European Congress on Obesity.

In a study, hormone-deficient men were given testosterone supplements in a similar way to HRT for older women.

Men lost an average of 16kg over five years when testosterone levels were increased back to normal.

But experts warn that supplements may not be the answer due to possible risks of prostate cancer and heart disease.

Prof Richard Sharpe from the University of Edinburgh Centre for Reproductive Health said: "The notion that this is a quick fix for obese older men is, as always, simplistic. It is far more sensible and safer for men to reduce their food intake, reduce their obesity, which will then elevate their own testosterone."

Male menopause?

The findings announced at the conference also suggest that raising testosterone levels could reduce waist circumference and blood pressure.

Dr Farid Saad, lead author of the study said: "We came across this by accident. These men were being given testosterone for a hormone deficiency - they had a range of problems - erectile dysfunction, fatigue and lack of energy.

"When we analysed the data we found that every year, for five years, they had lost weight. It may be that the increased testosterone restored their energy levels and led to a behavioural change of being more physically active."

However, experts remain dubious. While some experts have linked low testosterone levels to a male "menopause", with symptoms including changes in sleeping patterns, poor concentration, feeling worthless and anxiety, others have found to have no such link.

Prof Ashley Grossman, an endocrinologist from the University of Oxford said: "This is interesting, but not absolutely convincing. We cannot say for sure that this is the effect of the drug rather than being involved in such a trial.

"I will remain sceptical until I see a large scale study in a more robust fashion." The gold standard test would be to pitch the testosterone injections against a dummy drug in a controlled trial.

The study looked at 115 obese men aged between 38-83 years with low testosterone levels. They were injected with the hormone every 12 weeks to increase levels. The research, paid for by Bayer Pharma, a manufacturer of testosterone replacement therapy, found no increased risk of prostate cancer, a side-effect found in other studies.

The relationship between obesity and testosterone appears to be a vicious cycle. There are numerous studies showing that obesity, in particular abdominal obesity, is associated with reduced testosterone levels in men and a reduction in muscle.

With ageing, especially beyond 40-50 years, testosterone levels tend to decline slowly, which may predispose to abdominal obesity which will then further lower testosterone levels."

Thursday, May 24, 2012

natural alternative cancer treatments therapy
   Third Edition 
    Bill Henderson, MBA

Includes information on
his radio broadcasts, free newsletter, info on personal consultations, RSS feeds etc.

For over a decade, Bill Henderson, MBA, a remarkable man, has devoted his life to cutting through all the cancer information and dis-information both online and offline, with one goal in mind: To permanently eliminate this disease from the face of the earth.

2,000+ former cancer patients following his protocol are alive and well today thanks to this tireless researcher, writer and humanitarian. 
His mailing list and free newsletter reach thousands of people in many countries.
To quote Bill, "I never give up on anyone with cancer. I've seen too many people recover completely after that dreaded "survival time" sentence from their doctors.

 "Can you follow a simple diet and supplement regimen for 6-8 weeks? That's all that my readers have found is necessary to reverse their cancer."

78 Successful Natural Treatments

78 successful natural alternative cancer treatments commonly used worldwide 
~  Presented Free in the Public Interest  ~
"Ridding the world of cancer once and for all."
     The treatments and therapies below are presented for general information only and not considered medical advice. Nor are they recommendations for or against any other treatments or therapies. They are simply the most commonly used worldwide and are offered here as a free public service. Some of these therapies go back to the 1920s and remain ignored by mainstream medicine in favor of drugs, surgery and radiation. Others are newer.

Be prepared for much negativity from conventional cancer treatment centers and conventional doctors (MD oncologists) about the value of alternative therapies. Keep in mind that although MDs have your best interests at heart, successful natural, low-cost, non-toxic, cancer therapies are unknown to them and represent serious competition to everything they stand for. This is human nature at work - the way of the world.

Order the inexpensive 45 page report for a complete guide to using natural and alternative cancer therapies, and finding practitioners nearest you familiar with them.
Always work with a qualified health care provider in making decisions about therapies or personal health conditions. 

It's time all these successful, little-known, non-toxic therapies are made public knowledge for patients and doctors alike. In fact there are far more than shown here. These are the best. None are taught in conventional medical schools.

AHCC (ImmPower)
AHCC is a new hybrid of several species of medicinal mushrooms, each of which have been used in traditional healing in Asia for centuries. The resulting product is a powerful, single, hybridized mushroom. Developed in Japan, it is grown in a liquid medium containing rice bran, and then enzymatically modified to be readily absorbed and used by the body. AHCC is one of the world's most powerful  immune system enhancers. Specifically, ImmPower™ helps maintain peak natural killer cell function, supports enhanced cytokine production and promotes optimal T-Cell and macrophage activity. Over 600 hospitals in Europe and Asia now routinely use AHCC  in cancer care.
Antineoplastons are peptide fractions derived from human blood and urine. (Peptides are short-chain amino acids.) They were developed by Stanislaw Burzynski, a Polish biochemist and M.D. who emigrated to the US in 1970 and worked as a researcher and assistant professor at the Baylor College of Medicine until 1977. It was here that he developed these peptides, and formulated his theory that they are important components of the body’s biochemical defense system which repairs mis-programmed cells rather than kill them. He feels that these peptides can be useful against all diseases caused by mis-programming, not just cancer. He does not claim to cure cancer, but feels that antineoplastons can help treat it. Studies at the federal level are now underway.

Apricot pits
No question, this is a controversial therapy. Thousands of people worldwide for the last 50+ years have made use of a key ingredient in apricot pits, a form of organic cyanide in a tiny amount, to fight cancer. The official position of the FDA is that doing this is contrary to their rulings and therefore subject to prosecution. And indeed sometimes they do prosecute people for selling apricot pits! The story of Jason Vale is one instance. (Do an Internet search for more info) The value of the active ingredient, called nitrilosides has been effectively discredited by the government and major drug manufacturers for decades. Yet many people have pointed to this therapy as responsible for finally eliminating their cancers. Other names for nitrilosides over the years have been Laetrile, Amygdalin and Vitamin B-17. The same Nitrilosides are contained in over 1200 common fruits, nuts, grains and grasses. The trace of organic cyanide can effectively destroy cancer cells in earlier stages of the disease. One Mexican hospital has treated over 100,000 cancer patients in the last 35 years using nitriloside compounds for 90% of these people. Curiously the gov't has no problem with standard Vitamin B12, chemically called cyanocobalimin. Cyanide is used in processing natural B12 for use in foods and nutritional supplements.

A new weapon against cancer  and AIDS from Ozelle Pharmaceuticals - a herbal extract which is nontoxic and causes no adverse side effects. Closed clinical trials are showing that the drug is especially effective against prostate and breast cancer. The materials of the company promoting Anvirzel. say that Dr Ozel treated 494 cancer patients with the extract, resulting in a high rate of success. The company has organized phase I and II trials in Ireland, and states that the trials confirmed the efficacy of the extract in cancer. They say the patients were improved in their quality of life as well as regression of cancer, while reporting no notable side effects. Best results were said to be in prostate, lung and brain cancers. Sarcomas showed stabilization. 
Arginine (1-arginine)
Arginine, an amino acid essential for life, has been found to consistently inhibit the growth of tumors. Research has indicated that giving arginine in fairly large doses "led to virtually complete inhibition of the carcinogenic process." In 1980, National Cancer Institute scientists found that injections of arginine into tumor-bearing rats consistently inhibited the growth of tumors. Their reports stated, "within two weeks, tumor size was reduced to 80 percent of the initial size. Tumor-bearing animals showed no toxic effects from the arginine." Even more research exists now to document the excellent results gained from the use of arginine routinely in the care of the cancer patient. Why this simple, inexpensive approach is not used by every conventional cancer treatment center after all these years is a mystery.
A Chinese herb, sweet wormwood (qinghao in Chinese). In test tube studies, breast cancer cell research resulted in a 28% reduction of breast cancer cells treated only with artemisinin, and an amazing 98% decrease in breast cancer cells within 16 hours that were treated with artemisinin and an iron-enhancing molecule, transferrin. These treatments had no significant effect on normal human breast cells. This research pointed to the involvement of free iron in the toxic effect of artemisinin toward cancer cells, while basically sparing healthy cells. ("Selective toxicity of dihydroartemisinin and holotransferrin toward human breast cancer cells," Life Sciences" 70 {2001) 49-56
This well-documented cancer fighter is based on the work of the famous Hungarian biochemist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, best known for his 1937 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Mixed with water and drank from a glass, studies done on this mild tasting product derived from wheat germ have caught the attention of cancer researchers worldwide. Avemar has been the subject of more than 100 published scientific reports since 1996 related to in vitro, in vivo and human research including more than 30 peer-reviewed publications demonstrating it's effectiveness against cancer. Publications about Avemar are available in the database of PubMed, the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health ( Available on the Internet, the biological cancer fighting and immune system enhancing mechanism of this product is almost unique in the therapeutic world. Avemar is today one of the most comprehensively studied products of plant origin and has shown that when used as an adjunct treatment, it enhances the effects of conventional cancer treatment agents. 

Beta Glucans, 1, 3, 6
Beta glucans are biological defense modifiers (BDM) that nutritionally enhance, modify and balance the immune system. Glucans have been investigated for many years, particularly in light of their ability to activate macrophage immune cells and, in turn, the T-Cells, NK-Cells and B-Cells including selected cytokines and complement. The scientific literature is voluminous over many decades, including a considerable body of patent literature. Beta Glucan action nutritionally aids the body, particularly when the immune cell population is being reduced or limited by a disease condition, or such treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy.
Bindweed extract
High molecular weight extracts of bindweed were shown to inhibit the growth of virulent tumors in mice. Extracts possess immune system boosting effects as evidenced by tumor infiltration by white blood cells in animals, plus increased lymphocytes. Further, they inhibit angiogenisis (the growth of cancer blood vessels that feed them with fresh blood). The method of extraction of the present bindweed and buckwheat extracts is very simple and requires a minimum of purification. The present bindweed and buckwheat extracts have utility as low-toxicity, anti-cancer therapy for humans and animals.
Bovine Cartilage
Despite much media hype over Shark Cartilage, Bovine Cartilage has been studied regarding cancer care for many years. Harvard trained physician John F. Prudden has been using it to treat human cancer since the early 1970's. Dr. Prudden has published a 31 patient case series in which he records some remarkable remissions in a wide variety of intractable malignancies including Pancreatic Cancer, Metastatic Breast Cancer, and Glioblastoma Multiforme. Some of these patients had been followed for more than five years at the time the case series was published in 1985. According to the National Cancer Institute, Bovine Cartilage, a type of tough, flexible connective tissue, has been studied and shown to "have some value" in cancer therapy. As indicated, various preparations of cartilage from sharks have been studied in the laboratory and in animals for their ability to kill cancer cells, stimulate the immune system, and block formation of new blood vessels feeding cancer cells. Nevertheless, NCI's official public position remains that scientific evidence to date has not proven cartilage to be an effective treatment for cancer. Several formal human clinical trials at NCI are now underway. 
Budwig Flax Oil & Cottage Cheese diet
The Flax seed (Linseed) oil diet was originally proposed by Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and expert on fats and oils in 1951. Her simple formula of two tablespoons of flaxseed oil to a quarter cup of low fat cottage cheese (or other foods containing sulfur) helps increase metabolism, boosts the immune system, reduces cholesterol levels, and for reasons not clear, helps inhibit cancer-cell growth. This unlikely but effective combination of products has been one of the most popular and successful alternative cancer therapies for decades. Dr. Budwig has various books on this subject.

A combination of natural herbs developed in India, Carctol is a well researched and tested cancer therapy. It treats all types of cancer including cancers of the esophagus, ear, nose throat, brain, breast, lymphoma, lungs, blood, kidney, cervix, stomach, colon/rectal, pancreas etc. Demonstrated to be non-toxic and side effect free, it has been used successfully in India and parts of Europe for 25 years. Besides successfully  treating cancer, it also neutralizes toxic agents produced by chemotherapeutic drugs. 
Carnivora (Venus Fly Trap extract)
Carnivora supplies essential nutrients to the immune system allowing it to operate at high efficiency. It  allowing it to operate at maximum efficiency. In addition, it mimics the activities of the immune system itself in destroying defective or so-called primitive cells from a wide variety of pathogens (viruses and bacteria). Many laboratory studies worldwide have demonstrated its effectiveness against cancer and aids. Since 1981, over 2000 patients have been treated with Carnivora, including President Ronald Reagan.
Cesium Chloride
Cesium Chloride, one of earth's most alkaline elements, has been used to raise the pH of the body as an alternative or complementary cancer treatment for many years. In the 1930s, Dr. Otto Warburg of Germany won a Nobel Prize for showing that cancer thrives in anaerobic (without oxygen) or acidic, conditions. Research by Keith Brewer, PhD and H.E. Sartori has shown that raising the pH, or oxygen content of a cancer cell, to 8.0 creates a deadly environment within and it soon dies and is disposed of by the body. Today cesium chloride is typically used in combination with potassium. 
Chelation Therapy
Mercury, nickel, lead, and aluminum are all considered heavy (toxic) metals. They can enter our bodies from many sources including automotive exhaust, cosmetics, paint, evaporated milk, infant formulas, baby powder, bleached white flour, pharmaceutical drugs, antacids, tooth paste, and aspirin. Heavy metals can block the natural detoxification processes. This can lead to fatigue, nutritional deficiencies, and numerous other health-related issues. Chelation therapy safely and effectively removes heavy metals from the body’s cells and tissues. The word “chelation” comes from the Greek work chele, which means claw. Chelation therapy can be administered orally (pills) or by injection. The therapy can be helpful in improving blood circulation and can be part of the Personalized Treatment Plan for patients with various conditions. 

Coley's Toxins
Amazingly, in 1888 Dr. William B. Coley (1862-1936), Harvard Medical School graduate, eminent New York City surgeon and cancer researcher, stumbled across one of the most intriguing findings ever made in cancer research. Cancer cannot survive in an environment of temperatures more than 42 C (107.6 F). His discovery was first tolerated, then ridiculed, and finally suppressed. In recent years some new interest in his discovery has emerged among researchers. Dr. Coley, devised methods to safely create a fever in cancer patients with great success. Sadly, even after 100 years of knowing this, there is no trace of his simple heat therapy in conventional medical circles today. 
Conjugated linoleic acid or CLA
Meats and dairy products do contain a remarkable cancer fighting nutrient called conjugated linoleic acid or CLA (Tonalin). However, a steady decline in the amount of CLA supplied by meats and dairy products in the diet through the past 50 years years can be attributed to modern farming practices. The meat of grass-fed cows contains up to four times as much CLA as cows fattened in feed lots. Today's dairy products have only about one third of the CLA content they used to have before 1960. CLA stimulates the immune system, inhibits cancer growth, improves insulin sensitivity (work with your physician here if diabetic), improves blood lipid levels, improves lean body mass to fat ratios, and has no known practical toxicity levels. Organic dairy products could be expected to have more CLA because there is a certification requirement to have adequate pasture available to the animals. CLA can be supplied in large controlled amounts though supplements. Although CLA may appear to be just another weight loss supplement, its anticancer properties appear to be real and should not be overlooked. Typical doses are 0.75 grams to 4 grams a day.
Curcumin (diferuloyl methane) is the active compound in the spice Tumeric. Curcumin has potent irreversible anti-proliferative effects against a variety of cancer cell lines in vitro (in test tube). Further, this compound demonstrates little in the way of toxicity in animals as well as in preliminary Phase I trials in humans. In fact, scientists have discovered even curry powder (turmeric is a principal ingredient in curry) helps stop the spread of breast cancer. Texas-based researchers found that curcumin inhibits the spread of breast cancer into the lungs and improves the effectiveness of current remedies. Bharat Aggarwal, professor of cancer medicine at Texas University, said: "We are excited about the study results and the possible implications for taking the findings into the clinic in the next few years." There have been numerous articles written on the effectiveness of this remarkable herb in the treatment of cancer. Curcumin is believed to directly induce cancer cell apoptosis (cell suicide).
Discovered by researchers at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, d-glucarates have been shown to decrease lung, skin, liver, breast and colon cancers by 60 percent or more (Walaszek, 1990). In addition, it has been found to have an inhibitor effect on cancers of the bladder and the prostate. In the breast, D-glucarate has been shown in more than 20 experimental animal and in vitro studies to significantly inhibit cancer. The primary mechanism of action of D-glucarate is through its ability to enhance detoxification of both chemical carcinogens from the environment and estrogenic tumor promoters produced by the body. Women who are at a higher risk for breast cancer have a lower detoxification capacity for carcinogens and estrogens. Likewise, D-glucarate has been found to effectively prevent the induction of prostate cancer in men. Non-prescription calcium d-glucarate tablets are readily available.
Detoxification procedures
One of the most important messages in this entire report. Removal of internal toxins and metabolic waste material, all of which builds up in the body over time, is essential to restoring health in any disease and a cornerstone of the most successful alternative treatment centers. The body must constantly devote enormous energy and resources protecting itself against the effects of internal toxins and waste products - resources that would be far better spent fighting cancer. Depending on who you read, estimates of the amount of man-made chemicals in our air, food and water today range from 38,000 to 95,000. These compounds never even existed in nature prior to the industrial revolution beginning in the late 1800s. Most alternative clinics and hospitals drain the lymph system using massage therapy and herbs. The kidneys, liver and digestive system are also cleaned out. Chelation therapy (oral or intravenous) will clear the arteries, the blood, and will remove toxic metals like mercury, cadmium and lead. An amazing amount of renewed energy, health, and disease fighting power can be gained by detoxification procedures alone. Detoxification procedures will eventually become routine in all sectors of health care, conventional and alternative. It has already started in the lay population.    

Di-Indole Methane
Di-Indole Methane is the direct metabolite of I3C (Indole-3-Carbinol) and twice as strong. This naturally occurring extract of the cabbage (cruciferous) family vegetables has proven effective in studies worldwide against hormonal related cancers. It's mechanism is to decrease high estrogen levels in both men and women, an issue which usually leads to cancer or other illnesses often associated with aging. Included are prostate disease, breast and uterine cancers, and weight gain. Supplementing the diet with DIM and eating cruciferous vegetables increases the specific aerobic metabolism for estrogen, multiplying the chance for so-called bad estrogen to be broken down into beneficial, or good estrogen metabolites. These good estrogen metabolites are known as the 2-hydroxy estrogens. 
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has a wide range of therapeutic uses. Most physicians are unaware of its value in spite of over 3000 studies on over 500,000 patients (as of 1991!). DMSO binds with water and changes the structure of the water within the cell, which results in the healing of cellular damage. This also increases the permeability of the cell membrane, causing a flushing of toxins from the inside of the cell. DMSO also improves immune function, decreases allergic reactions, increases immunity to infections, prohibits cancer growth, and decreases the potency of toxins. DMSO crosses the blood-brain barrier, and is an excellent agent to help transport other substances throughout the body. When used in quantity though, it can produce an odd odor to the body. It continues to be ignored decade after decade by conventional medicine. 
Ellagic Acid
The Hollings Cancer Institute at the University of South Carolina has conducted a double blind study on a group of 500 cervical cancer patients that excited all involved in the study. For years now, ongoing studies have shown that a natural product called Ellagic acid is causing so-called G-arrest within 48 hours (inhibiting and stopping mitosis-cancer cell division), and apoptosis (cell death) within 72 hours, for breast, pancreas, esophageal, skin, colon and prostate cancer cells. Ellagic Acid Clinical Tests on cultured human cells also show that it prevents the destruction of the p53 gene by cancer cells. Additional studies suggest that one of the mechanisms by which Ellagic acid inhibits mutagenesis and carcinogenesis is by forming adducts with DNA, thus masking binding sites to be occupied by a mutagen or carcinogenic substance. Ellagic acid can be found in different foods. it is especially effective for those with a genetic predisposition to cancer. 

Epican Forte®
Special mention here. Epican Forte™, developed by German physician Dr. Mathias Rath, one of this world's most accomplished MDs, uses four primary nutrients that work together synergistically to inhibit a certain type of enzymatic activity associated with cancer cells. It also strengthens connective tissues that contribute to normal cell growth. These nutrients are Vitamin C, Lysine, Proline, and high-potency standardized green tea extract containing 80% polyphenols. Cancer cells produce certain enzymes that temporarily digest connective tissue allowing these cells to move freely through the body. This specialized enzymatic process can be inhibited so that excessive movement of malignant cell and their growth does not occur. 
Essiac tea
One of the oldest and most highly regarded of all alternative cancer treatments. Composed of Burdock, Indian Rhubarb, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm, and occasionally other ingredients depending on the manufacturer. Note that some companies are substituting yellow dock herb or curly dock herb these days for the sheep sorrel. This is not acceptable. Essiac was used by a Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse (Essiac is her name spelled backward) to successfully treat thousands of cancer patients starting in the 1920s. Claiming the formula was given to her by Canadian Ojibway Indians, she worked tirelessly with cancer patients for decades never charging them a penny. Her reputation grew along with her success much to the displeasure of the Canadian medical profession, and they had her arrested and jailed many times for "practicing medicine without a license". At her funeral in 1978 at age 90, hundreds of former cancer patients attended and paid their last respects to her for saving their lives.
     The Chinese government has tested Essiac on hundreds of cancer patients, and now lists it as an effective "medicine", as they term it, to cure cancer. The Chinese get their herbs from Canadian sources where the best tea is brewed, bottled and sold around the world. See Allen has studied Essiac Tea for many years, and sells a definitive book on the subject called "Essiac Essentials -- The Remarkable Herbal Cancer Fighter" by Sheila Snow and Mali Klein. Sheila Snow was a close friend of Rene Caisse. Cessiac, the version the Chinese favored spelled with a C, and Yuccalive, another potent herbal blend, are available to the U.S. and Canada from MPS International Marketing, Inc., located in British Columbia. 
Far Infrared therapy
Similar to Coley's Toxins and the success of Dr. Josef Issels (see both above), Far Infrared Heat actually helps kill cancer cells, increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduces the side effects of toxic conventional treatments. In this approach, heat caused by Far Infrared energy artificially raises the temperature of the whole body or specific body part. Far infrared heat energy penetrates deeply—four to five centimeters into the skin, the body’s largest detoxifying organ. Its molecular vibrations “jiggle” the tissues and speed up metabolic exchanges between cells. At the same time, it boosts the body’s regenerative abilities and decreases pain by increasing circulation. Vancouver naturopathic physician Jim Chan, who has treated about 5,000 cancer patients, explains that far infrared therapy has the ability to "break up the protective rings around harmful molecules" in the body so they’re no longer cancer causing. It also weakens the bonds between toxins and human tissues; so stored toxins can be flushed out of the system faster and in greater quantities through the skin via sweating, the liver and the bowels.
The following came from a March 30, 2000 CNN news report. Written by Miriam Falco:
(CNN) -- A recent study shows that flavonoids, biological compounds found in more than 4,000 fruits and vegetables, seem to inhibit the growth of human cancer cells in laboratory tests. The preliminary findings were presented by KGK Synergize Inc. Thursday at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Francisco. The study was conducted in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and focused on the 22 flavonoids found naturally in orange and tangerine juice. Dr. Najla Guthrie, president of the research company, said the results are "very encouraging" that these compounds could be effective against lung cancer, prostate cancer and melanoma cells. The study also found that synthetically produced flavonoids effectively inhibited the growth of colon cancer cells. Previous research conducted by Guthrie indicated that components found in citrus juices were shown to reduce the growth of human breast cancer cells in laboratory tests.

For years, scientists and researchers puzzled as to why the people in Okinawa, Japan rarely get any kind of cancer. Not only that, they have the world's highest percentage of people over 100. Finally a long chain carbohydrate, called fucoidan, was discovered in a seaweed delicacy Okinawans love called Kombu. It appears to have an amazing array of health producing properties, including the fact that it is lethal to most types of cancer cells. Fucoidan is sometimes referred to as U-fucoidan. Today there are more than 600 scientific studies in the US National Library of Medicine's database regarding the medical use of this amazing substance.
GEIPE therapy
First reported in 1959 in Science magazine, Geipe is a gentle form of DC electrotherapy (commonly 2.4 milliamperes at less than 3 volts) administered for only a few days. Current experimental evidence suggests that this new therapy is best suited for treating solid cancers (tumors) such as bladder, bone, brain, breast, cervical, colon, esophageal, kidney, liver, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, rectal, skin, stomach, testicular, throat and uterine. Geipe therapy deactivates the ribonucleotide reductase enzyme cancer cells use for their uncontrolled growth. In a perfect world, this is the ideal form of cancer therapy as it is simple to administer, virtually free and fast acting. As such this phenomena works against it - there is little profit anyone could make. So it remains ignored today by the conventional medical establishment.
Gerson's Diet
A rigorous but effective nutritional approach to fighting disease. Max Gerson (1881-1958) became a doctor in Germany in 1907. He developed his diet and detoxification treatments for cancers in a round-about way. He initially began experimenting with diet to treat his own recurrent migraine headaches, and it worked. Gerson began to treat other patients with skin tuberculosis and other chronic diseases such as arthritis, heart disease, chronic sinusitis, ulcers, colitis, high blood pressure, and psoriasis. In 1928, a woman with cancer came to Gerson and asked him to treat her. Up to this time, Gerson had not treated any cancer patients and knew little about cancer. The woman insisted and  Gerson instructed her on his diet regime. Her cancer responded well. Other cancer patients came to Gerson for treatments, some experiencing tumor reduction and/or cancer retardation until 1933 when Gerson was forced out of Germany by Hitler. Because he had observed that impaired liver function always predated the appearance of cancer, he believed that the key to recovery was to restore proper function of the liver. This was done through detoxification. Gerson also believed it important to restore a proper sodium/potassium balance as well as provide oxygen to the cells.
A versatile, health-giving mineral that is found in high concentration in many medicinal plants. Germanium is a is an oxygen catalyst, antioxidant, electro­stimulant and immune enhancer. Researched heavily in both the United States and Europe, Germanium is capable of strengthening the body's immune system, enriching its oxygen supplies and freeing it from toxic substances. Treatment of human cancer patients over almost two decades has occurred in parallel with the careful scientific studies in animals, establishing its anticancer action and resulting in a wealth of documentation from the human side, as well as laboratory data. Putting together the cancer research studies of the three organic Germanium compounds, Ge-132, Sanumgerman and Spirogermanium, at the cellular level, the evidence for organic Germanium's anticancer properties is solid and reproducible. And, happily, it is inexpensive.
Graviola (See also N-Tense)
Nearly 25 years ago it was discovered that the leaf of the Peruvian Graviola tree contained natural compounds having exceptional cytotoxic activity. In other words, they had a very strong ability to prevent abnormal cellular division. In the early 1990s, extensive independent research--including research by one of today's leading drug companies and by the National Cancer Institute--confirms that the tree's chemical extracts attack and destroy cancer cells with lethal precision. Although not yet tested in wide scale human trials, Graviola has been studied in more than 20 laboratory tests since the 1970s, where it's been shown to effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung, and pancreatic cancer. Further it is shown to be 10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. It exhibits the ability to selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells, much unlike chemotherapy. Today it is commonly available on the Internet in pill or liquid form. 
Green Tea
Exciting research studies have been published on green tea and its anti-cancer qualities. A recent study from Japan demonstrates that green tea goes way beyond it's role as a well-known antioxidant. If the study is confirmed, it will propel the ancient beverage squarely into the middle of 21st century science. One of the factors that sets cancer cells apart from normal cells is that they have telomerase, an enzyme that maintains telomeres on the ends of DNA. Most normal cells do not have telomerase to maintain their telomeres. Every time a normal cell divides, telomeres are lost. When all the telomeres are gone, the cell dies. Cancer cells' ability to maintain their telomeres may be the secret to their immortality. Consequently, inhibiting telomerase and causing cancer cells' telomeres to shorten has become a focus of cancer therapy. The first natural telomerase inhibitor has been discovered: green tea. Japanese researchers have been able to show that green tea extract (ECGC) inhibits telomerase of cancer cells in two different types of cancers in the test tube: leukemia and the solid tumor type. Within a month of treatment, some of the cancer cells began dying. Within three months, most were dead. The experiment has been repeated several times with the same result. Curiously, the telomeres of normal cells will remain unaffected. Extracts of green tea in pill form are now available. 
Haelan 951®
Haelan 951 is a promising and popular nutritional-based anti-cancer agent made from fermented liquid soy bean extract. Its array of benefits include blocking cancer-cell blood supplies, enzymatic activity, tumor reduction, and boosting of the immune system. It has also been found to help relieve the side-effects of toxic conventional therapies. Writing in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, researchers at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles say animal tests have shown that genistein, found in soy-based products such as this, stops cells from making stress proteins produced by cancer cells. Those proteins help cancer cells survive attacks by the body's immune system and anti-cancer therapies, researchers say.
HANSI therapy
HANSI is a general term Argentinean botanist Juan Hirschmann gave to his family of homeopathic based treatments for a wide range of diseases, including cancer, AIDS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, arthritis, asthma, and hepatitis. Early experiments in the 1970's led to successful treatments for animal cancers. In July of 1990, he opened his first clinic in Buenos Aires and began treating human cancer patients with HANSI. Hirschmann and his team of physicians have now treated nearly 100,000 Argentineans in three Buenos Aires clinics, and they state that HANSI has produced positive results with every kind of cancer treated. Although the medical evidence from Argentina is largely derived from retrospective chart reviews and testimonials, it is massive, more than enough to justify serious consideration. HANSI International, Ltd., is a Bahamian company with production and worldwide distribution rights to all of Juan Hirschmann's homeopathics. It maintains its production facility in Freeport, Grand Bahamas, and imports its product under the FDA's personal use exemption rule. HANSI International, Ltd. has kept a relatively low profile while it completes requisite studies.
Hoxsey therapy
For over thirty years, Harry Hoxsey (1901-1974), a self-taught healer, cured many cancer patients using an herbal remedy reportedly handed down by his great-grandfather. By the 1950s, the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic in Dallas was the world's largest private cancer center, with branches in seventeen states. Born in Illinois, this practitioner of herbal folk medicine faced unrelenting opposition and harassment from a hostile medical establishment. Nevertheless, two federal courts upheld the therapeutic value of Hoxsey's internal tonic. Even his archenemies, the American Medical Association and the Food and Drug Administration, admitted that his treatment could cure some forms of cancer. A Dallas judge ruled in federal court that Hoxsey's therapy was "comparable to surgery, radium, and x-ray" in its effectiveness, without the destructive side effects of those treatments. But in the 1950s, at the tail end of the McCarthy era, Hoxsey's clinics were shut down. The AMA, NCI, and FDA organized to suppress Hoxsey's methods according to a 1953 federal report to Congress and Hoxsey's Dallas clinic had to close its doors in 1960. Three years later, at Hoxsey's request, Mildred Nelson, R.N., his long-time chief nurse, moved the operation to Tijuana, Mexico.
Hulda Clark's therapies
For decades, Hulda Clark has been a highly controversial healer. Although many people worldwide worship her as visionary inventor, therapist and humanitarian, just as many attack her as a quack. Parasite removal in the body is a cornerstone of her approach to almost all diseases. Patient screening for various disease conditions utilizes a frequency testing device she invented called a Syncrometer. This short write-up briefly mentioning her long history of medical research and patient treatment cannot possibly due her justice or decide her value in health and healing. Her principle book about cancer, which has sold many thousands of copies, is called "The Cure for All Cancers".  
Hydrazine Sulphate
This is a common industrial chemical that was first proposed in the treatment of cancer in the 1970s by Joseph Gold, M.D., of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute. Its use is based on the fact that a cancer cell is known to derive it's energy from fermenting sugar instead of by burning oxygen, as do normal cells. Gold reasoned that hydrazine sulfate would inhibit the liver's ability to deliver sugar to the tumor and, in that way, inhibit tumor growth. The advocates of hydrazine sulfate claim that it is also useful in combating cachexia, the extreme loss of weight that often is associated with the terminal stages of cancer. More info is at Syracuse Cancer Research Institute's website at
Hypothermia therapy
A type of treatment in which body tissues are briefly exposed to slightly higher temperatures which kills cancer cells. It is sometimes used with conventional therapies to make cancer cells more sensitive to the effects of radiation and certain anticancer drugs. Local hyperthermia treatment (heat applied to a very small area, such as a tumor) is a well-established cancer treatment method with a simple basic principle: If a rise in temperature to 106ºF can be obtained for one hour within a cancer tumor, the cancer cells will be destroyed while surrounding normal cells remain unaffected. The area may be heated externally with high-frequency waves aimed at a tumor from a device outside the body. Ultrasound is more easily focused than other energy modalities, and can be applied to tumors located from the skin to 8 centimeters (approx. 3 in.) within the body. This allows the treatment of tumors unreachable by other external modalities. Whole-body heating is used to treat metastatic cancer that has spread throughout the body. It can be accomplished using warm-water blankets, hot wax, inductive coils similar to those in electric blankets, or thermal chambers similar to large incubators. For decades, it's been a highly popular treatment in Germany and Japan providing superior results. 

Immuno Therapies
This is generalized term which refers to  the many ways and means there are today to boost the immune system.  In other words, treatments to stimulate or restore the ability of the immune system to fight cancer, infections, and other diseases.  Immunotherapy is also used to lessen certain side effects that may be caused by conventional cancer treatment. Also called biological therapy, biotherapy, or biological response modifier (BRM) therapy. In general, the immune system declines with age and is the principle disease fighting mechanism of the body. Most chemotherapeutic drugs will seriously damage the strength of the immune system.

IMMUNOCAL is manufactured and distributed by Immunotec Research Ltd., located in Canada. It is a patented 100% natural nutritional supplement, available without prescription. It is proven safe without any known negative side effects or toxicity. In experimental research and clinical trials, IMMUNOCAL has demonstrated positive results in the treatment of major diseases including AIDS, Cancer and Hepatitis, and against high-grade bacterial infections. Immunotec has been granted patents in Australia, USA and Canada. IMMUNOCAL also provides a powerful agent which delays the aging process attributed to free radical damage. Controlled studies in laboratory animals fed with IMMUNOCAL demonstrated an increase in life span of 30%-60% attributed mainly to increased resistance to disease.
IMMUNOCAL is the result of 18 years of research at McGill University. Clinical trials in North America and Japan are being conducted.
Indole 3 Carbinol (See also Di-indole methane)
I3C, as it is frequently called, has been tested and documented in humans and results are highly promising. Indole-3-carbinol reduced or halted the formation of precancerous lesions (papillomas) in 12 out of 18 people with recurrent respiratory tract papillomas. In addition, in a small double-blind trial, supplementation with 200 or 400 mg of indole-3-carbinol per day for 12 weeks reversed early-stage cervical cancer in 8 of 17 women. Preliminary studies have also shown indole-3-carbinol has significantly increased the conversion of estrogen from cancer-producing forms to nontoxic breakdown products. Indole-3-carbinol is found in highest concentrations in broccoli, but is also found in other cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, cabbage, and kale. This treatment would be indicated for those with hormonal related cancers. Note: Di-indole methane is considered a stronger metabolite of I3C.
IPT (Insulin Potentiated Therapy)
Special Note Here: Although this website is about alternative cancer therapies, not conventional, there is one little-known method of administering conventional chemotherapies that dramatically reduces their toxic dangers while increasing effectiveness. Yet it remains ignored within the conventional medical system ... except in Europe.

IPT is a non-diabetic use of the hormone insulin. Cancer treatment with IPT is far safer, more effective, and less expensive with virtually no side effects. Research has shown that most cancer cells have as many as 10-15 times more insulin receptors on their surface than normal healthy cells. With insulin present, these receptors open cell wall channels which allow nutrients to enter the cell. As cancer cells have far more of these receptors than normal cells, they can strongly compete with normal cells for many nutrients. When insulin is administered to a patient prior to chemotherapy, it opens the receptor channels of both the cancer cell as well as the normal cells. As a cancer cell can absorb over ten times the amount as a normal cell, only a small dose of chemotherapy need be used - usually 10% of the typical amount. The normal cell will be relatively unaffected by this small dose of the chemotherapeutic drugs. Not so with cancer cells - they are destroyed. 

IP6 is a unique nutritional supplement containing the B complex vitamin inositol phosphate which is further bonded with inositol. IP6 with inositol is found naturally within every body cell, and according to AbulKalam M. Shamsuddin, MD, PhD., in his book " IP6 Nature's Revolutionary Cancer-fighter", the health effects of this combination are greater than that of each form alone. IP6 is also an effective antioxidant. It acts to neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals on body cells and has been shown to enhance immunity by boosting the activity of natural killer (NK) cells. Immune system cells (also called lymphocytes) are the body's first line of defense against a variety of diseases, viruses and other infecting organisms. IP6 has undergone extensive animal testing and human studies. No side effects have been found, either when IP6 is used on its own, or in combination with chemotherapeutic agents. Indeed, Dr. Shamsuddin states that IP-6 and Inositol can actually potentiate these treatments. According to the University of Maryland School of Medicine, IP6 holds great promise in the prevention and treatment of cancer. It enhances the anticancer effect of conventional chemotherapy, controls cancer metastases, and improves quality of life. There are no known drug-nutrient interactions. Dr. Shamsuddin states that he has proven by traditional scientific procedures that IP-6 prevents cancer and is highly effective as a therapy against all forms of human cancer.
Iscador® (Mistletoe)
Iscador is registered brand name of a product containing an extract of the Mistletoe plant which grows naturally on the barks of various trees. First marketed in 1917 in Switzerland, and today in many parts of Europe, Iscador was brought to the public's attention in the USA by actress Susan Sommers. The manufacturer/distributor term Iscador a complementary medicine rather than an alternative medicine. It is prescribed in Europe by medical doctors including oncologists. This is in addition to the conventional cancer therapies radiation, surgery and chemotherapy. Its actions are many sided and complex, however it is now recognized that one side of its activity comes from stimulating parts of the immune system that can slow the growth of cancer cells. Many patients also report an improved quality of life such as feeling better and more positive, and also needing less pain relief. For these reasons, Iscador is often included with conventional therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Iscador is available by prescription only under the brand name ISCAR in the USA
Issels Treatment
A 50 year old therapeutic system originating in Europe developed by Dr. Josef Issels. Therapy includes: detoxification, nutritional support, supplementation of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, chelation therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, counseling, oxygen/ozone therapy, vaccines, light therapy, and heat therapy. In short, a truly integrated approach to treating cancer. His approaches are not necessarily meant to replace conventional care, but can be used with it. With the Issels Treatment, so-called "incurable" cancer patients have led full cancer free lives, some for up to 45 years, and as follow-up to conventional treatment, the cure rate is as high as 87%. Known for his incredible successes in treating co-called incurable cases, Dr. Issels  says this about heat therapy: “Artificially induced fever has the greatest potential in the treatment of many diseases, including cancer.”

Kelley's Metabolic therapy
The Kelley Metabolic diet. Special mention is required here regarding Dr. Donald Kelley DDS, an under-appreciated dentist, scientist, researcher and humanitarian.
In the 1970s he pioneered a breakthrough diet system based on body types. His system, modified to include certain pancreatic enzymes, has proven amazingly successful against cancer. As his reputation spread, thousands of cancer sufferers sought him out. Despite his proven success, he endured endless harassment by a host of government agencies claiming he was practicing medicine without a license and guilty of "other charges". He was a dentist - not an MD they claimed. No matter his methods of curing cancer had an astonishing success rate of over 90% within 6 months for those that follow his program exactly. Meticulous records kept over the years back up that statistic. This wonderful man is still with us, but now retired. His breakthrough work is being continued by Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez in New York, complete with funding now from the U.S. government so that he may officially "research and develop" a system identical to Dr. Kelley's. Such is the politics of cancer in the USA. May God bless Dr. Kelley. It is indeed hoped he will live to get the long-overdue credit this pioneering genius and humanitarian deserves. You can read his book "One Answer to Cancer" online at no charge. See

Laetrile (See also Apricot Pits)
There is no more controversial alternative cancer treatment than Laetrile. This long standing, effective therapy still remains discredited and banned by the American government after 50+ years of continuous use in 17 other countries around the world. Laetrile, also called Amygdalin or vitamin B17, is a powerful cancer fighter when used in conjunction with other appropriate treatments. The book "Alive and Well", by Philip E. Binzel Jr. MD documents his many success stories using Laetrile. Injectable forms and pill forms are available today, but many people simply choose to eat apricot seeds - a rich natural source of Amygdalin the key ingredient. Some believe the seeds, which are contained within the pits, are superior to extracts as they contain other naturally occurring factors. Note: An Internet search will produce for various recommendations for eating apricot pits. The frequent recommendation is one pit for each 10 pounds of body weight taken throughout the day. A slow but steady build up to that amount is usually also recommended, along with cautions about taking too much too fast.
In healthy individuals Lactoferrin is a front-line defensive system that protects our body openings, such as eyes, mouth, nose and other orifices from infectious invasion. Lactoferrin has a unique ability to bind to iron, an essential mineral that a wide array of pathogens and tumors use for their reproduction and growth - especially cancer. Presented with an infectious challenge or tumor, a healthy body will respond by producing lactoferrin in copious quantities in the vicinity of the infection or tumor. Lactoferrin then binds with iron and renders it unavailable to the bacteria or the tumor, effectively starving the bacteria or the tumor. Individuals with cancer are almost uniformly immuno-suppressed and unfortunately, conventional cancer therapy doesn't tend to pay much attention to improving immune function. In fact, most conventional cancer therapies damage or suppress the immune system, the principal cancer fighting mechanism of the body. There are a many immune system boosting and restorative products available today that combine Lactoferrin with other proven ingredients.
Lymphotonic PF2
A little-known cancer treatment option, researched in Russia and the USA, with an unusual mechanism for destroying cancer cells. According to Russian-translated [translation grammar corrected], "Cancer puts your immune system to sleep. Once asleep; it will start pirating on weaker cells. Proliferation and colonization of rebel cells begins, creating ever-increasing tumor colonies. As in a false alarm, Lymphotonic PF2 will pretend to "poison" your system with a herbal non-toxic drink. Your immune response will be immediate and alert to any such invasive attack. It will unleash its defense troops: the K-killer cells, T-cells, Leucocytes and Macrophage and others to repulse the invasion. Not finding any "poison" to fight, and since Lymphotonic PF2 is herbal and non-toxic, it will attack and destroy the malignant cancer cells. The above website contains a long list of cancers suitable for this type of therapy, as well as many patient testimonials and research studies.   
This supplement has been developed by Dr Mamdooh Ghoneum, an Egyptian immunologist at Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles. This natural immune enhancer, marketed in the USA by Lane Labs, Inc., has increased the lifespan of terminally ill cancer patients by more than 60% according to a recent study. Over 200 patients with a variety of terminal cancers were evaluated for 18 months. Patients given MGN3 plus conventional therapies recorded a 59% survival rate, while those on conventional therapies alone recorded a 33.9% survival rate. (The study, conducted by Dr. Kihachiro Takahara, MD at Japan's respected Sano Surgical Clinic, was presented at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Complementary & Alternative Medicine. The official abstract is available at MGN3 is made from the outer shell of rice bran which has been enzymatically treated with extracts from three different medicinal mushrooms: Shiitake, Kawaratake and Suehirotake. In Japan, these mushroom extracts in one form or another have become the leading prescription treatments for cancer. MGN3 can also be used to lessen the toxic side effects of conventional cancer treatment.
Modified Citrus Pectin
Dozens of published studies demonstrate the effectiveness of this little-known naturally occurring compound taken from the pulp of citrus fruits - especially grapefruit. Note that this is not the same pectin commonly available for use in cooking. MCP is thought to be useful in the prevention and treatment of metastatic (spreading) cancer, not as a curative therapy that destroys established cells/tumors. A key mechanism of it's action is to suppresses angiogenesis, the blood vessels that each cancer cell grows to obtain a steady input of blood (Note: see cancer cell photograph at the beginning of this document.) Without nourishment, cells stop metasticizing and die. MCP molecules bind to receptors on cancerous cells as well, thereby preventing these cells from penetrating into nearby healthy tissue. Once this has occurred, the cancer cells circulate in the blood stream until they die or are eliminated.  By working to inhibit the spread of cancer, MCP keeps the body’s immune system from becoming overwhelmed by an increasing cancer cell load.
Mycosoft Gold®
Another excellent immune system enhancer based on a complex of medicinal mushrooms. Newly reformulated with thirteen species of polypore mushrooms (Ice Man Polypore, Agarikon, Artist Conk, Reishi, Oregon Polypore, Maitake, Chaga, Shiitake, Mesima, Birch Polypore, Zhu Ling, Suehirotake, and Yun Zhi), MycoSoft Gold is specifically designed to potentiate the immune system with a complex assortment of polysaccharides - precursor nutrients needed by the immune system. Recommended as an adjuvant to conventional therapies, any individual needing to boost their immune system may well benefit from MycoSoftGold. This product has been endorsed by Dr. Andrew Weil, the popular MD, author, TV personality and director of the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona's Health Sciences Center in Tucson. There he trains a new generation of MDs on how to use proven natural and alternative treatments.
N-Tense® (See also Graviola)
N-Tense is a potent cancer fighter which combines some of the South American rainforest's most powerful healing plants into one synergistic formula. This proprietary formula contains 50% Graviola combined with 7 other plants that have similar properties and actions as Graviola. Most people find this synergistic action to provide better results than Graviola alone. All of these plants been independently studied around the world for decades and have documented pharmacological actions. For more information about's N-Tense formula, including contraindications, suggested dosages, etc. see
Naessen's 714X
714-X is a substance containing camphor, nitrogen, ammonium salts, sodium chloride, and ethanol, and was developed in Canada by French-born scientist Gaston Naessens. Early in his career, Naessens developed the somatoscope, a special microscope capable of examining the blood at extremely high magnifications. Using the somatoscope, he claimed to have discovered tiny living organisms called somatids in the blood of people with serious diseases, including cancer. He believed that these somatids were responsible for the development of disease, and he set out to find a way to eliminate or disable them. Proponents claim that 714-X is capable of curing cancer and AIDS by interfering with the flow of somatids through the bloodstream.  It is further claimed that cancer cells produce a substance called co-cancerogenic K factor (CKF), which protects them from the immune system. 714-X supposedly strips CKF by supplying the body with nitrogen and leaves tumor cells vulnerable to attack by the immune system. Although used as an alternative method in Canada, Western Europe, and Mexico to treat cancer, AIDS, and other diseases for decades, it is not allowed to be used in the United States.
Omega 3 fatty acids
Researchers are studying the effects omega-3 fatty acids have on delaying or reducing tumor development in breast and prostate cancer. Since bodies cannot make omega-3 fatty acids, we must get them from food or supplements. The omega-3 fatty acids include alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. Sources and recommended servings of foods naturally high in omega-3 fatty acids include seafood, especially cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, halibut, stripped bass, tuna, and lake trout. Also, flaxseed oil and beans such as kidney, great northern, navy, and soybeans. If taking pharmaceutical drugs, consult with you health care practitioner about using these highly essential nutrients.
Less than a decade old, Oncolyn is an extract of edible plants containing 10+ ingredients combined with powerful antioxidants which have had documented success in treating cancer. This patented formula was created primarily by internationally known physician, Dr. Arthur D'Jang M.D. Ph.D. M.Ph. working in coordination with a team of physicians and scientists from various countries. Excessive free radicals cause cell injury and DNA damage, both of which are associated with the development of disease. Oncolyn targets free radicals and is a proven immune system enhancing supplement. Both approaches help regulating the body's physiology, enabling it to repair, regenerate and restore normal cell functions. 
In use for 25+ years, Oncotox is a liquid combination of five natural cancer inhibitors, all of which have extensive research studies documenting their effectiveness. Oncotox was developed by Dr. Donald Donsbach and it has been an essential part all these years of the holistic cancer therapy program at his Hospital Santa Monica in Mexico. The cancer inhibitors in Oncotox are Resveratrol, IP-6, Lactoferrin, Arginine and Curcumin. 
Oxygen therapies
Oxygen is frequently called a cancer cell's worst enemy, and a variety ways and means to increase the body's oxygen content have been developed over the decades worldwide. Many degenerative diseases of our time respond to oxygen therapy. The methods of delivering ozone/oxygen/peroxide into the body are too numerous to describe here. All use purified medical grade oxygen compounds of course. Examples are injection of oxygen bearing compounds, ear insufflation, rectal insufflation, autohematherapy, bagging/tenting, steam sauna, drinking ozonated water etc. Some eight thousand (8000) MDs and licensed health practitioners (including  homeopathic physicians and naturopaths) in Germany use ozone in their practices, while some fifteen thousand European practitioners use ozone, either alone or as a complement to other therapies. Russian doctors have been utilizing ozone for the last 15 years. It is estimated that over 10 million ozone treatments have been given to over one million patients in Germany alone over the last forty years. The medical uses of ozone are well established in many of these countries. There are other approaches like Peroxide therapy, EWOT (Exercise With Oxygen therapy) and Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy. Despite all of this, the FDA still does not approve oxygen cancer therapy in the United States.
This South American herb has been used for many illnesses for centuries and is a favorite in all health food stores. It is developing a reputation as an effective cancer fighter when taken daily as a tea over three months time. The taste is acceptable. It must be brewed correctly and a maintenance dose be consumed daily once the situation is under control. See
pH Balancing
The term pH refers to concentration of the Hydrogen proton. Or, some will claim percentage of Hydrogen. There are other definitions including acid/alkaline balance. In general chemistry, acidic compounds tend to expel oxygen, while alkaline or base compounds (opposite of acid) absorb oxygen. A glass of vinegar and water will not absorb oxygen from the air, while a glass of baking soda in water tends to do that. So, pH puts a number on the degree of acidity. Many are convinced our modern diet, rich in acid-forming processed foods, especially refined sugar (one of the worst things a cancer patient can eat), is one reason cancer rates have exploded in the last 100 years. Excessive acid conditions drive oxygen from the body. Many therapeutic diets are designed to counteract excess acidity. As a rule, all conventional foods are acid forming except vegetables and almost all fruits. Even whole grain breads, basic grains and cereals are acid forming. Alternative clinics and hospitals will use acid-neutralizing minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium to help correct acid/alkaline imbalances in the body. Excessive stress and highly negative emotions can even cause acid conditions.
Research conducted by the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at State University of New York reports that Poly-MVA clearly demonstrates a remarkable ability to kill tumor cells without toxic side effects. In addition to being a powerful antioxidant and nutritional supplement, it has also show to protect cell DNA and RNA. Further, it helps the body produce energy and supports the liver in removing harmful substances from the blood stream.  While long term qualitative studies on it's effect in human nutrition and health have not yet been completed, early studies and anecdotal information show a wide range of benefits.  What makes Poly-MVA unique is the proprietary manufacturing process by which lipoic acid is bonded to Palladium (LAPd). Poly-MVA is an exceptional product but still somewhat expensive.
Proteolytic enzymes
Proteolytic enzymes (or proteases) refer to the various enzymes that digest protein. Proteolytic enzymes have a long history of use in cancer treatment. In 1906, John Beard, a Scottish embryologist, reported on the successful treatment of cancer using a pancreatic extract in his book "The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and its Scientific Basis". Proteolytic enzymes have been promoted by numerous alternative cancer practitioners for many years. They are currently under study by Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. of New York, who is evaluating the benefit of proteolytic enzymes in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer in a large-scale study funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute. This larger trial is a follow-up to a smaller study that showed dramatic improvements in these patients. These enzymes include the pancreatic proteases chymotrypsin and trypsin, bromelain (pineapple enzyme), papain (papaya enzyme), fungal proteases, and Serrapeptase . Note: see also Kelley's Metabolic therapy above. 
In his newsletter, Dr Bruce West (MD), describes Protomorphogens as the tiniest specks of life our bodies make specifically to grow each kind of tissue or organ. Later in life, they remain vitally necessary for the control factors involved in fighting disease. In theory, when an organ develops cancer, the PMG blueprint of it gets changed. Uncontrolled cell division starts to take place. Today there are over 75 patented PMGs for specific disease conditions created by Standard Process labs in Wisconsin, USA. In early studies, it has been shown that taking PMGs orally for a specific cancer initiated a healing of that organ. For lung cancer, there is Pneumotrophin, for liver cancer there is Hepatrophin, etc. The only place PMGs are available is from a distributor of Standard Process Lab' products. Dr Royal Lee, the lab's founder sells only to Health Care Professionals.
Research has shown that some form of psychotherapy may improve a patient's quality of life. It can help reduce anxiety and depression frequently occurring in people with cancer. Psychotherapy has not, however, been demonstrated to increase survival in people with cancer by itself. Psychotherapists believe that it can help people find the inner strength they need to improve their coping skills, allowing them to more fully enjoy their lives. It can also be useful in overcoming depression and anxiety, which are common in people with cancer. People may seek individual therapists, or those who work with couples and/or entire families in order to deal with the impact of the cancer and its diagnosis. Psychotherapy also may be practiced with groups, in which a number of people meet together to discuss common experiences and issues and to learn specific coping techniques. Unlike self-help groups, psychotherapy groups are offered and managed by a professional therapist.
This is a safe, new, effective alternative to conventional radiation treatment. Generally used only once a week, a radio isotope IV solution is administered followed by a simple x-ray. This 1, 2 punch causes cancer cells to die off, and many research centers in the United States are now using this approach. PET scans and MRI's in between treatments are used to track progress of the therapy. The low dose x-ray can be localized to the patient's particular cancerous area. Virtually no side effects are reported. Just like a CT scan, radioisotopes leave the body within half a day. Contact for more info. For what it is worth, this new therapy was featured on the network television news program 20/20.
Resveratrol is a member of the bioflavonoid family of fruits and vegetables and has the property of inhibiting certain enzymes cancer cells use to achieve abnormal duplication and growth. In a recent issue, Science Magazine devoted an entire article to the effectiveness of Resveratrol in the treatment of cancer entitled "The Cancer Chemopreventive Activity of Resveratrol." 
Rife Technology
An amazing story here. Royal Raymond Rife (1888 - 1971) was a brilliant scientist who developed technologies which are still in use today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics and aviation. During the 66 years that Rife spent designing and building medical instruments, he worked for Zeiss Optics, the U.S. Government, and several private benefactors. Using a remarkable new microscope he designed and built, Rife identified what he termed Cryptocides primordiales - a extremely small virus which he was able to culture (grow). He identified it a the basic cause of all cancers and created 400 tumors in succession in laboratory animals from this same culture. Everything was documented with film, photographs and meticulous records. Next he was able to use a certain frequency of energy produced by a machine he developed that could destroyed these cancer causing viruses in the body without harming any normal cells. All of this was in the 1930s. Rife's work was vigorously discredited by the conventional medical establishment, and it remains so to this day. Many scientists and doctors have since confirmed Rife's discovery of the cancer virus and its pleomorphic nature, using darkfield techniques, the Naessens microscope, and laboratory experiments. There are now thousands of websites devoted this little-known genius and humanitarian, and his amazing contributions to the welfare of us all. Thank God for the Internet.
Men and women taking selenium supplements for 10 years had 41 percent less total cancer than those taking a placebo, a new study by Cornell University and the University of Arizona shows. "Although more than a hundred of animal and dozens of epidemiological studies have linked high selenium status [in comparison to] cancer risk, this is the first double-blind, placebo-controlled cancer prevention study with humans that directly supports the thesis that a nutritional supplement of selenium, as a single agent, can reduce the risk of cancer," said Gerald F. Combs Jr., a nutritional biochemist and Cornell professor of nutritional sciences. Prostate, esophageal, colorectal and lung cancer rates were among the most dramatic: patients in the selenium group had 71 percent, 67 percent, 62 and 46 percent reductions in cancer rates, respectively, than the placebo group.
Shark Cartilage (See Bovine Cartilage above.)
Skin Cancers
There are two little known products that certainly deserve mention here. Curaderm BEC5 and PDQ. Curaderm is indicated for the treatment of cutaneous solar keratosis, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Since the introdcution iof P.D.Q. Herbal Skin Cream in late 2004, more than 15,000 people have seen excellent success with dangerous skin lesions. Website" Curaderm, surprisingly, is available on has it as well.
Stabilized Aloe Vera
In laboratory studies, aloe vera gel inhibited angiogenesis - the production of new blood vessels to feed tumors. Studies in test tubes and animals suggest that active substances in aloe leaf extracts (which contain both aloe gel and aloe latex) may have immunostimulant and anti-cancer effects. Aloe improves wound healing and inhibits inflammation. This information has inspired the production of one commercial substance for people with cancer which combines aloe leaf, honey, and gin. However, studies of the use of this substance in people are lacking and, therefore, the safety and effectiveness of this product is not known. Thousands of websites and hundreds of commercial products may claim all kinds of things regarding the benefits of aloe, but common sense should prevail. One fact cannot be denied though, humanity has used aloe for health concerns of many types for thousands of years.
Tian Xian
A promising new cancer therapy from China, Tian Xian (pronounced "Dianne Sean") is a cocktail of 15 plant extracts, including ginseng and liquorice.  It was invented by a young Chinese Professor named Wang Zhen Guo, described as having won many awards in China. The active herbal ingredients aims to control, inhibit and destroy cancer cells. It's function is complementary to that of western therapies. Testimonials of cancer survivors are from USA, Japan, Hong Kong, India, China, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia. Some can be found in this site, More than 20 books have been published detailing the development and effects of Tian Xian Liquid. The publications, beside English, are available in Chinese, Japanese, Thai and Indonesian. Tian Xian is available on the Internet, but still very expensive.
Transfer Factor Plus
A powerful immune system building complex sold through multi-level marketing. The Transfer Factor Plus advanced formula combines Transfer Factor E-XF™ with a proprietary formulation of innate and adaptive immune system enhancers such as Inositol Hexaphosphate, Cordyceps, Beta Glucans, Maitake and Shiitake Mushrooms. Clinical studies show that Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula can increase Natural Killer cell activity up to 437 percent above baseline. Natural Killer cells, or NK cells, are important immune cells that provide a crucial first defense against infectious agents and diseased cells - especially cancerous cells. Many studies have been conducted and published over the years on the effectiveness of this product.
Turmeric (See Curcumin)
Ukrain® has been tested against 60 different human cancer cell lines at the National Cancer Institute in test tube experiments. In practically all cell lines a 100 percent growth inhibition was found. One possible mechanism is thought to be Ukrain® increasing the oxygen consumption of both normal and malignant cells. But while oxygen consumption normalizes in healthy cells within 15 minutes, it overwhelms cancer cells, effectively killing them. Ukrain® has also been shown to decrease DNA, RNA and protein synthesis in malignant cells. Although highly toxic to cancer cells, it shows little or no toxicity to non-cancerous cells in the test-tube. In mice, Ukrain® is also a powerful biological response modifier (BRM), or stimulator of the immune system. Most scientists believe that cancer is accompanied by some degree of breakdown of the immune system and can be influence by improving that system. Unfortunately, therapy utilizing Ukrain® is still very expensive.
Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UVBI)
UVBI is an inexpensive treatment involving a simple three-step process. A small amount of the patient’s blood is first withdrawn. Then it is exposed to a stream of ultraviolet light (UV). Finally, the blood is slowly returned to the bloodstream. The irradiated blood circulates throughout the body destroying bacteria, inactivating toxins and viruses, and enhancing the immune system. The reason for this phenomena is not clearly understood. UVBI can be used as part of a treatment plan for colds/influenza, acute and chronic sinusitis and bronchitis, cancer, emphysema, HIV, chemical sensitivity, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases, tendonitis, and even heart disease. Another application of this blood withdrawing/returning procedure is called Autohemotherapy used successfully, mostly throughout Europe, for over 50 years. Blood is withdrawn from the arm, infused with Ozone, and then returned to the body. Autohemotherapy may help regulate the immune system and decrease inflammation. It too is effective against a variety of conditions. 

Virginia Livingston therapy
Developed by Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, a U.S. medical doctor, this complex vaccine and nutrition-based cancer therapy assumes that cancer is caused by Progenitor cryptocides, a bacterium said to become active only when the body's immune system is weakened or stressed. Livingston-Wheeler discovered Progenitor cryptocides during the 1940s. In the following decade, she developed her theory that cancer is caused by this bacterium and then developed a vaccine against it. In 1969, she founded what is now the Livingston Foundation Medical Center in San Diego. In the years since then, this center claims to have treated more than 10,000 patients. Livingston-Wheeler died in 1990, but her clinic continues to offer the Livingston protocol to about 500 patients a year.

A specialized vaccine developed by Dr. Valentin I. Govallo, MD, PhD, which undermines a cancer cells defense mechanisms. This vaccine is most beneficial in treating carcinomas and melanomas, and it is also indicated for some sarcomas (cancers of muscle, bone, and connective tissue) and in leukemia. Those patients recently subjected to chemotherapy or radiation respond more slowly to VG-1000 as they have a depressed immune system. However, patients who have had neither radiation nor chemotherapy respond quite favorably. Thus VG-1000 is clearly indicated as a first-line treatment for persons with recently diagnosed cancers. Additionally, it helps prevent recurrence. This treatment is now available at two specialized facilities in North America, The Immuno-Augmentative Clinic in Freeport, Grand Bahamas, and also CHIPSA's - Center for Integrative Medicine in Baja California, Mexico. 
Vitamin C (high dose)
Vitamin C - one of your body's all-time best friends. Due to a strange twist of fate in evolution, human beings along with a tiny handful of other mammals cannot make their own Vitamin C. All other mammals on earth can make it in any amount they require. We need to get our essential Vitamin C any way we can as it's uses within the body seem endless. Insofar as a cancer therapy, the following website lists 60 references to published studies showing it's importance : The Nat. Institutes of Health is now actively sponsoring studies on intravenous High Dose Vitamin C therapy which has already shown to be successful in the natural health care community.
Vitamin D
Getting enough sun? Dr. Joseph Mercola, the man behind the world's most popular natural health website puts it very well: 
"If you are facing cancer, I strongly recommend you seek the help of a knowledgeable natural health care practitioner experienced in cancer care who can help you use nutrition, emotional healing, and other alternative treatments to help you get well.
This should include a reliable screening of your vitamin D levels. Calcitriol, the most potent steroid hormone in your body, is produced in large amounts in your tissues when you have sufficient amounts of vitamin D. However, most cancer patients are vitamin D deficient. Calcitrol -- the activated form of vitamin D -- has been shown to protect against cancer by inducing cell differentiation and controlling cell proliferation. Optimized vitamin D levels will work synergistically with virtually every other cancer treatment. There are over 830 peer-reviewed scientific studies showing its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer! You'll want to elevate your levels of vitamin D to about 80-90 ng/ml, and continue to have them monitored throughout your treatment.
VIBE Machine
Healthy cells, according to Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg, have cell voltages of 70 to 90 millivolts.  Due to the constant stresses of modern life and our toxic environment today, cell voltage tends to drop as we age or get sick.  As the voltage drops, the cells are unable to maintain a healthy environment within themselves.  If the electrical charge of a cell drops to 50mv, a person can become chronically fatigued and may get sick often.  If cell voltage drops to 15mv, the cell becomes diseased. The Vibe Machine is a 4ft.x 2ft.x 2ft device that gives off frequencies of energy that restores our cells to healthy operational potential when used over time. A person simply sits in front of the device 2 to 10 minutes a day. Certain universities and federal government agencies are now conducting formal studies regarding it's unique ability to restore health. It has been effective for animals - even those with cancerous conditions, including large tumor formations. 
Wigmore therapy (Anne Wigmore 1909-1993)
Wheatgrass juice and sprouts are the basis for the Anne Wigmore regimen, which she originally devised to cure her own cancer. For decades thereafter, she was successful in helping others using the same approach. The Wigmore diet focuses primarily on live foods. Wigmore felt that raw vegetables held more nutrition than when cooked and were without the chemical additives that processed foods hold. Her therapy is still practiced at the Hippocrates Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida. It has also been adopted by a number of alternative health care practitioners as the basis for their treatment.



Here is a protocol that has been under close scrutiney for some time now.  Amazingly, the public has been duped.  The marijuanna protocol is proving successful for all types of cancer.  Please do your due dilegence.  Even if it means temporarily moving to a state that allows the medicinal marijuanna, it is well worth it.   

I have a great deal more information on the Cannabis but recommend you start doing your own research as this is important.  Here is some information to start with:
 Marijuana And Cancer: Scientists Find Cannabis Compound Stops Metastasis In Aggressive Cancers

A pair of scientists at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco has found that a compound derived from marijuana could stop metastasis in many kinds of aggressive cancer, potentially altering the fatality of the disease forever.

"It took us about 20 years of research to figure this out, but we are very excited," said Pierre Desprez, one of the scientists behind the discovery, to The Huffington Post. "We want to get started with trials as soon as possible."

The Daily Beast first reported on the finding, which has already undergone both laboratory and animal testing, and is awaiting permission for clinical trials in humans.

Desprez, a molecular biologist, spent decades studying ID-1, the gene that causes cancer to spread. Meanwhile, fellow researcher Sean McAllister was studying the effects of Cannabidiol, or CBD, a non-toxic, non-psychoactive chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. Finally, the pair collaborated, combining CBD and cells containing high levels of ID-1 in a petri dish.

"What we found was that his Cannabidiol could essentially 'turn off' the ID-1," Desprez told HuffPost. The cells stopped spreading and returned to normal.

"We likely would not have found this on our own," he added. "That's why collaboration is so essential to scientific discovery."

Desprez and McAllister first published a paper about the finding in 2007. Since then, their team has found that CBD works both in the lab and in animals. And now, they've found even more good news.
"We started by researching breast cancer," said Desprez. "But now we've found that Cannabidiol works with many kinds of aggressive cancers--brain, prostate--any kind in which these high levels of ID-1 are present."

Desprez hopes that clinical trials will begin immediately.

"We've found no toxicity in the animals we've tested, and Cannabidiol is already used in humans for a variety of other ailments," he said. Indeed, the compound is used to relieve anxiety and nausea, and, since it is non-psychoactive, does not cause the "high" associated with THC.

While marijuana advocates will surely praise the discovery, Desprez explained that it's not so easy as just lighting up.

"We used injections in the animal testing and are also testing pills," he said. "But you could never get enough Cannabidiol for it to be effective just from smoking."

Furthermore, the team has started synthesizing the compound in the lab instead of using the plant in an effort to make it more potent.

"It's a common practice," explained Desprez. "But hopefully it will also keep us clear of any obstacles while seeking approval." 
Source:   The Cannabis Cure