Thursday, March 22, 2012

Annual publishing of "the Sunshine List" - 2011

Rouge Valley Health System note

The Ontario government has moved up its annual posting of government employees who have earned $100,000 or more in the last year. That provincial list is being released on Friday, March 23, 2012, a week earlier than in previous years.

In alignment with the provincial posting, Rouge Valley Health System has published its list.

For more information on the annual salary disclosure, please read last year's blog by Rik Ganderton, RVHS president and CEO.

The 2011 list has grown as more union and management employees cross the $100,000 threshold set back in 1996. Please note that non-union staff salaries have been frozen for two years, with the exception of some graduated step increases in pay.

Our new list is published on our public website, via this link on our financial page.