As you might have noticed a bit, I do not post ALL about raw food. I eat raw food, alot of it, most of my days ! However, my life is about so much more.
Food, for me, has shrunk in importance. Ironically, by my giving it utmost importance initially, learning, trying, applying all about raw foods, it actually shrunk my concern about food. You see, before, I was fixed on finding what food worked for me....what to fix, what to buy to fix (yet another drudgery), etc etc etc and still not having optimum health.
Raw eating is simply that. It is a small part of my day most days. It is NOT WORK fixing food or buying food rather is is PLAY and JOY. So it is NOT one more thing to do or get done, it is a DELIGHT! Food has switched categories and compartments you see.
So, my life is about LOVE, FUN, WORSHIP, LOVE, PLAY,


RICHNESS, and I can go on n on.
I keep my eating simple and delicious. It is a small part of my life. A tiny part. It is the best way to eat with no figuring anymore. By making it important it filed right in line where it is to be. I eat to live. I eat amazing food to live I will add.
Life is not about food for me. LIFE is about WONDER-FULL life. When I come to a reflection of it all, I want to say "I REALLY LIVED" and not "BOY I wish I had really lived and not focused my whole life on raw food".
I live life and the food part takes care of itself. It is not my FOCUS at all. It sure makes life beauty-full! Love from my LIVE LAUGH LOVING HeART to yours! Muah! Bette Bliss