I will probably get kicked out of the feminist club for saying this, but I think that the pill has been (close to) the single worst thing for women in modern history. Yes, you read that right, Ladies. I think the pill and everything about the pill sucks. Now before you call me some abomination of a third-wave feminist (I probably am) and fast forward to the next blog entry, let me explain...
There's one topic that always comes up with my female clients; birth control. They want to know my opinion on synthetic birth control, hormone replacements and how they can possibly have a fulfilling and active sex life without using synthetic hormone and/or estrogen. Here's the shocking truth: if you know your body well enough and take the time to read it, track your cycle and understand the changes you can in fact, naturally prevent birth! The only drawback is that you may have to abstain or use condoms for 3-5 days per month. oh the horror!!
Snark aside, let me get back to why I am not a big fan of the pill. I understand that it gave women freedom's in the 70s that were unheard of in the generations prior. I also understand that the pill may help to regulate menstrual cycles, clear problematic skin and reduce PMS and cramps. My answers to these are simple:
1. We no longer live in a time of sexual revolution. Sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, pelvic inflammatory disease, trichomoniasis and chlamydia are real threats that may lead to infertility and even death.
2. There are natural ways to regulate menstrual cycles, clear problematic skin and reduce PMS and cramps!!
Countless numbers of women have made appointments with their ob-gyn for what they thought was a yeast infection when in all actuality it was simply their natural discharge that occurs monthly due to ovulation. Sadly, most of our mothers or sex ed classes never taught us that. By only being introduced to chemical contraception options, we never learned about the awesomeness that is the female body. And women never learned that there is another way to track fertility and natural prevent pregnancy that does not include nutrient depletion, hormonal imbalance, and long term side effects.
Natural fertility awareness is empowering for women. In learning how to tell when you are ovulating and if you are ovulating regularly, you will know when you can become pregnant so that you can plan for a pregnancy or avoid it all together! When the ovulation method is used properly as a contraception method, it is 97-99% effective in helping you to avoid pregnancy. This rate is similar to the effectiveness of "the pill" but without the side effects.
The best thing any woman can do is buy the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. The book is easy to read, informative and lighthearted. After taking the time to read it, you will have a clear understanding of your cycle and what it actually means to be female and ovulate! If you still have questions and would like the personal assistance of a holistic health coach, please feel free to contact me! Empowering women to listen to and learn about their bodies is my favorite part of my "job."
And a side note: have you ever wondered about the connection between your body's 28 day cycle and the cycle of the moon? Here's the theory. In the days before electricity, women's bodies were influenced by the amount of moonlight we saw. Just as sunlight and moonlight affect plants and animals, our hormones were triggered by levels of moonlight. And, all women cycled together. Today, with artificial light everywhere, day and night, our cycles no longer correspond to the moon.
Do you want to cycle with the moon? Get outside, bond with your sisters and enjoy some vitamin D!!
Keep it Fresh, Goddesses!!!
There's one topic that always comes up with my female clients; birth control. They want to know my opinion on synthetic birth control, hormone replacements and how they can possibly have a fulfilling and active sex life without using synthetic hormone and/or estrogen. Here's the shocking truth: if you know your body well enough and take the time to read it, track your cycle and understand the changes you can in fact, naturally prevent birth! The only drawback is that you may have to abstain or use condoms for 3-5 days per month. oh the horror!!
1. We no longer live in a time of sexual revolution. Sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, pelvic inflammatory disease, trichomoniasis and chlamydia are real threats that may lead to infertility and even death.
2. There are natural ways to regulate menstrual cycles, clear problematic skin and reduce PMS and cramps!!
- Exercise. This will improve blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body, including the pelvis.
- Avoid red meat, refined sugars, milk, and fatty foods.
- Eat lots of fresh vegetables, whole grains (especially if you experience constipation or indigestion), nuts, seeds and fruit.
- Avoid caffeine. It constricts blood vessels and increases tension.
- Meditate, get a massage.
- Have an orgasm (alone or with a partner).
- Drink ginger root tea (especially if you experience fatigue).
- Put cayenne pepper on food. It is a vasodilator and improves circulation.
- Breathe deeply, relax, notice where you hold tension in your body and let it go. Try a restorative yoga class!
- Take time for yourself!
Countless numbers of women have made appointments with their ob-gyn for what they thought was a yeast infection when in all actuality it was simply their natural discharge that occurs monthly due to ovulation. Sadly, most of our mothers or sex ed classes never taught us that. By only being introduced to chemical contraception options, we never learned about the awesomeness that is the female body. And women never learned that there is another way to track fertility and natural prevent pregnancy that does not include nutrient depletion, hormonal imbalance, and long term side effects.
The best thing any woman can do is buy the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. The book is easy to read, informative and lighthearted. After taking the time to read it, you will have a clear understanding of your cycle and what it actually means to be female and ovulate! If you still have questions and would like the personal assistance of a holistic health coach, please feel free to contact me! Empowering women to listen to and learn about their bodies is my favorite part of my "job."
And a side note: have you ever wondered about the connection between your body's 28 day cycle and the cycle of the moon? Here's the theory. In the days before electricity, women's bodies were influenced by the amount of moonlight we saw. Just as sunlight and moonlight affect plants and animals, our hormones were triggered by levels of moonlight. And, all women cycled together. Today, with artificial light everywhere, day and night, our cycles no longer correspond to the moon.
Keep it Fresh, Goddesses!!!