Sunday, March 28, 2010

Living In the Moment...

I love the concept: We are a civilization of "human doings" not "human beings." Don't get me wrong; I'm probably busier than the average person, but as I move towards a life of truly following my bliss, I am more and more interested in slowing down, in enjoying each precious moment, in appreciating all that is profound in its simplicity. I do this by setting goals and visualizing exactly what I want. The big shift is that I enjoy each moment while I am moving towards my goal. I savory each juicy minute with my future in mind, not in control.

This year I had the opportunity to meet Bijan Anjomi, the author of an amazing book, Absolutely Effortless Prosperity. This book has changed my way of living and my life forever. Bijan helped me realize it's more enjoyable to enjoy the journey (toward the goal). Here are a few tips that may help you be present. Ways to pull yourself out of the past and future, places of residences preferred by the ego and to truly be present in the moment.

1. Each day, spend some time alone. Spend time in silence, meditation or even yoga. Time just sitting. Not reading, knitting, watching TV, talking, scratching, or sleeping. Just sitting. Not even thinking. As thoughts pop up, let them drift away, like clouds floating across the sky.

2. Each day, find something simple in your life that is beautiful, interesting, wondrous, or amazing. Like a spider web. Or a flower. Or the sun reflecting off a colorful bird. Or a sunset. Maybe the moon. A smile. Or the memory of your dog. Something that simply warms your heart. Living in gratitude makes every day better, and there is always something to be grateful for.

3. Each day, decide to listen completely in every conversation. Without second guessing the content you are expecting from the other person. Without finishing the sentences for him or her. Without already preparing your rebuttal to the anticipated conversation. Just listen. Listening is a rare skill these days. It takes practice, and is enhanced considerably by having a quiet, still mind.

4. Quit fighting "what is." Whatever is happening in the present moment is happening, whether or not you like it. It is as it is for now, so increase your level of contentment by accepting each moment as if you have chosen it. Of course, you can take actions to improve your life, but you can't change the present moment because it already is.

This way of being (not doing) takes a little getting used to, but once mastered, it will change your life dramatically. If you want to dive deeper into living in the moment, and attaining effortless prosperity, highly recommend Bijan's book.

Savor every juicy moment!

Keep it Fresh!

~ Terra