Sudhakar Nuti,
2012 GHLI Fellow
My stay in Ethiopia has been one of the most enriching, educational, eye-opening and humbling experiences of my life. I have not only accomplished my tasks as a GHLI Fellow but also forged lasting relationships with some amazing people.
In our short time there, Lexy (GHLI Fellow) and I worked on the advancement of the Ethiopian Hospital Alliance for Quality (EHAQ). We conducted site-visit trainings, visited hospitals across the country and started to put together the next Change Package to improve the hospital performance nationwide. We have accomplished many of the goals we set before we left New Haven, and it is fulfilling to know we helped make a difference.
I have also learned a lot about myself in the past six weeks. My Ethiopian adventure has shifted my thinking on all levels, whether it be my career plans or how to carry myself on a daily basis. I know that I would like to work in international health -- treating patients as a physician, conducting research, doing global health world or all of the above. There is something special about working in Ethiopia and I have a strong feeling that I will be back there soon.
While this door may be shut, I believe that so many more have opened. I am more aware of the health problems that people face in the developing world and am even more inspired to tackle them. And I have Ethiopia and her people to thank for that.