Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bechamp Instead Of Pasteur

Avoidable epidemics: Cancer, diabetes, heart disease. If civilization had only followed Bechamp instead of Pasteur...
The work of French biologist Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908) demonstrated that disease causes germs; Bechamp's contemporary (and former student) Louis Pasteur announced that his studies proved that germs cause disease. One man has been forgotten by history; the other is considered the father of modern medicine. If germs are outside attackers invading the body, then we can develop and market an endless array of weapons with which to kill them. But, if disease, or imbalance in the body, causes germs, then we must simply restore balance to remove the conditions upon which germs thrive.
Pasteur's germ theory of disease gave birth to the pharmaceutical age. Had modern medicine adopted Bechamp's disease theory of germs and the subsequent work of doctors Brewer, Warburg and Pauling, it would be common knowledge that the symptoms of disease are prevented or reversed by nutrition at the cellular level.

What Happened?

At the turn of the last century the leading causes of death were infectious diseases, tuberculosis, pneumonia and syphilis. Since the turn of the last century, cancer, heart disease and other chronic ailments have become the leading causes of death. Improvements in public sanitation and personal hygiene-and year-round access to fresh produce-can explain the decline in deaths from infectious disease. But what explains the meteoric rise in death from chronic diseases?