Apples are good for you. You've heard it from the time you were a tiny kid... "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". But how do apples actually benefit your health?
Apples are a fat free, cholesterol free food, as well as a source of fiber. They are also a natural source of vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. But it doesn’t stop there. Apples have also been shown to deliver antioxidants.
In addition to making a quick and easy snack, an apple is a great choice for providing fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals into your diet. Its filling-but-not-fattening properties make it great for people of all ages, especially when grabbing a snack on-the-go is all you have time for.
1. Boost your immunity. Apples contain Vitamin C, which helps your immune system. People who lack Vitamin C in their diet have poor healing, bruise easily and may have bleeding gums.
2. Help prevent heart disease. Apples can prevent coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease because they are rich in flavonoids., which are known for their antioxidant effects.
3. Make a great portable snack. Eating an apple when craving for candy or chocolate can make the desire disappear since apples in itself contain sugar, but gives you only a fraction of the calories from say, a packaged and processed snack.
4. Are cancer fighting! Apples help to prevent ALL cancers. Yay!
5. Lower cholesterol. Apples contain phenols, which have a double effect on cholesterol by reducing bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. Apples prevent LDL cholesterol from turning into oxidized LDL, a very dangerous form of bad cholesterol, which can be deadly.
6. Keep your teeth healthy. Apples prevent tooth decay, which is an infection that seriously damages the structure of your teeth caused primarily by bacteria. The juice of the apples has properties that can kill up to 80% of bacteria. The tough skin also cleans your teeth by scraping away plaque!
7. Contain 20% of your daily fiber. Apples are high in fiber, which help to keep your colon healthy along with keeping you "regular."
Keep it Fresh!
- Lauren