Yea, so this week I've had to turn down Arcade Fire at MSG on Wednesday night (w/ Spoon opening), and then a FREE (it hurts every time I say it) Metric show at Prospect Park on Thursday night.
That concludes my whining.
Last month I was able to catch Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros at the beautiful Governor's Island, along with Beach House and the National at Prospect Park. So, concert life ain't too bad! I think the Phish fan in me has made me always want more live music, wherever I can get it. I could pack up and live as a gypsy on the road traveling from one great show to the next, selling my jewelry and artwork and nutritious veggie burritos in the parking lot while bartering tickets for yoga sessions...but it's just not realistic! In the meantime I'll carry on with my career(s) that I adore and that bring me SO much joy!
What this Healthy Chick is listening to...NOW!:
Arcade Fire's NEW album, The Suburbs. Dude, it's everything I love about Arcade Fire all in one album, from start to finish. It's dramatic, rich, solid, and as always, grandiose at moments. A stunningly accomplished album in my opinion (and their BEST one yet). I'm finding new lines that I fall in love with each time the album replays (which it's been doing non-stop for the past 3 days now and I have no plans on turning it off).
A few of the extraordinary songs on this album that I'm loving this very morning are "Ready to Start," "Half Light II (No Celebration)," "Suburban War," " Deep Blue," and "Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)."
Are you going to either of those shows this week? If so, fill me in on the juicy details afterwords. What are you listening to right now? I'd love to hear, please share below!
Keep it fresh!
- Lauren