Get out there and shake that pregnant ass!! You heard me, you're a beautiful life creating goddess, now shake it! Exercise is such an important part of staying healthy during your pregnancy. It will boost your energy, help you sleep better, reduce discomfort, improve your self image and reduce stress and uplift your spirits. If that's not already a win-win situation add these two zingers to the mix and you won't be able to say no! First, exercise during pregnancy will prepare you for child birth. Child birth is hard, some equate it to running a marathon. The better shape your in during your pregnancy, the "easier" childbirth will be. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons in a recent news release stated "Women who are expecting can benefit greatly from exercise especially yoga." Training for childbirth through yoga may ease labor and even shorten the time it takes to deliver your baby. Secondly, exercise during your pregnancy will help you get that pre-pregnancy body back after birth....the same one that got you knocked up to begin with! Though yoga and other exercise you will maintain your strength and muscle tone throughout pregnancy allowing you body to bounce back easier after you give birth. This alone may be motivation enough for most women to start a pregnancy exercise regimen. Whether you're new to yoga or other exercise or you're a fit pro, here are some tips for prenatal exercise: DO:
Interested in prenatal yoga? Stay tuned in to 3 Healthy Chicks Keeping it Fresh for more on the benefits of prenatal yoga and incorporating prenatal yoga into your daily routine. Or join me on Tuesday mornings at10:30am The Yoga and Healing Center in Scotch Plains for Wise Mamas Prenatal Yoga! Keep it Fresh! ~ Terra |