Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What is Health ? - WHO Definition

The WHO defines health as "A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.

Introduction to Our Blog "Caring Our Health"

Throughout the Ages, people are searching for the necessary Help, Advice, Support, and the Ways & Means for leading a Healthy Life. It is a fact that Health is the most important entity in Our Life – really Health is Wealth and a everything.

Any problem with Our Health ( A disease state) really reflects badly on Our Total Wellness. That’s why Health care persons and providers were given a top position from time immemorial. 

In this Millennium, Science & Technology have made a Total Revolution in Our Life, with special emphasize to Health care and other associated areas. Therefore it is of paramount importance to give more attention to the Awareness, Tips & Tools, Support, Service, and the like measures to actualize a state of Positive Health & Wellness to the entire Humanity.

Here, we are  trying to deal with the day-today Health Problems in the most effective way. Instead of going into the What & Why, we are focused on the End result – Experiencing a state of Positive Health & Wellness – both Physically & Mentally.

This is a Blend of age old Vision & Wisdom with new age Scientific advances in total Health Care. There will be relevant Articles, Videos, Links, Images, References & the like informative items for helping all of us to lead a life in Positive Health & Wellness. 

Let’s generate a new thinking pattern & a new plan of action for the Wellness of our fellow beings. 

All the recent advances in Medical Sciences will be incorporated. 

Let's make this Blog  “Caring Our Health” a new Blogging Experience in the day to come.

With these words of introduction, let me submit this Blog to the entire Humanity.

With Regards

Dr. Purushothaman
Director, Centre For Human Perfection
Living In Wellbeing

See if you'll save money on health insurance next year

Curious about what will happen to your health insurance rates after health reform? Our state Health Benefit Exchange, charged with creating a new online marketplace for health insurance, just launched a consumer-focused website, www.wahealthplanfinder.org and it includes a calculator for estimating your costs.

You can't choose a health plan until the site launches on Oct. 1, but you can use the calculator to see if you might qualify for a subsidy to help with your insurance costs. Keep in mind, it's only an estimate, but it should give you a sense of what to expect.


"Is there a grace period for a newly licensed driver to get insurance?"

Nope, not in Washington state. In order to operate a motor vehicle here, the driver must have the state minimum liability insurance. There is no grace period to obtain that insurance.

So parents, check with the insurance agent (or insurer) to see if your young driver is covered under your automobile insurance or if they need their own insurance policy.